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Lady Gaga helped a photographer who fell at the Oscars 2023 and the controversy arose

Wow, the Academy Awards left us with a lot of moments worth remembering. However, hand down, during the ceremony things also happened that caught the attention of many, such as what happened when Lady Gaga helped a photographer who fell at the 2023 Oscars, something that sparked controversy.

From the outset, the fact that the singer appeared at the award ceremony was a real surprise, since it was rumored that she would not be present. But in the end, Lady Gaga took the stage at the Dolby Theater to sing “Hold My Hand”the song he composed for Top Gun: Maverick and that it was nominated for Best Original Song at the Oscars 2023.

Lady Gaga singing “Hold My Hand” at the Oscars 2023 / Photo: Getty Images

Lady Gaga helped a photographer on the “red carpet” of the Oscars 2023

However, in addition to his presentation at the ceremony, there was a moment that quickly went viral. It turns out that While Lady Gaga was passing through the “red carpet” of the Oscars 2023, a photographer fell doing his joband of course the singer, seeing what happened, did not hesitate for a second to help him.

In the pictures you can see that Lady Gaga realizes the exact moment in which the photographer ended up lying on the peculiar carpet of this edition, when trying to take a photo of the singer. That’s why she decides to help her by checking if she was okay, to which the poor lost soul responded by thanking him with a tap on the waist. Here we leave the full video,

Controversy arose after Lady Gaga shook hands with this photographer

Of course, seeing what Lady Gaga had done for this man on the “red carpet” at the 2023 Oscars, many celebrated the gesture he had with the cameraman. But yes, you know that every story has two parts, and there were those who raised controversy about what happened before the ceremony.

To give you an idea, some users on social networks pointed out that The photographer’s reaction was bullying, because from another shot, it seems that the thank you is given to Lady Gaga in an improper part. Just as they read it, although everything indicates that in effect, the shot makes us think that the man’s gesture had another intention, when it is not felt to be so.

Lady Gaga before the 2023 Oscars ceremony/Photo: Getty Images

What do you say? Do you think the photographer Lady Gaga assisted on the 2023 Oscars “red carpet” went too far or are people in the Internet of Things overreacting? What we do agree on is that the singer, once again, demonstrated her concern for the people who

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