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Lara Dibildos, on the chat with Escassi’s exes: People are losing their minds

Lara Dibildos, on the chat with Escassi's exes: People are losing their minds

The break between lvaro Muoz Escassi and Mara Jose Surez It took a news item to become the soap opera of the summer, which far from being a reptile is a candidate for a media cephalopod due to the number of information tentacles that emerge from it. Everything exploded with the interview that the rider gave in Friday! and in which he came to tell that, in reality, The model and she had an open relationship; Criticisms for infidelities were not long in coming, many of them linked to the jockey’s past and leading, among other things, to the revelation of a supposed group shared by all of Escassi’s former partners.

The chat in question, it has been said, was created by Lara Dibildos, with whom she has, in addition to a very good relationship, a child in common. If these rumors represent the last leg of the media animal that this affair has become, Dibildos herself has been the sword that has cut off the limb: He has spoken openly on this matter, satirizing its existence and, above all, debunking the entire story.

It’s been Makoke since the set of That’s life who has given voice to these statements, showing messages that, although everyone in the format knew that such a theory was far from reality, has ended up clearing up the few doubts that viewers might have had. Excuse me? Hahaha, I’m laughing my head off. I have a chat with Alvaro’s ex? And I’m the administrator of the exes? I can tell you it’s all a lie.asserted Dibildos, who then concluded by insisting that people are too crazy to say such nonsense.

Mara Jos Surez contests Escassi

This scene was born from the response that Mara José Surez gave to Escassi in the same place where he removed the ring from the grenade: Friday!. After so many lies, it’s time to tell the truthsaid the model in the advertisement for the interview in question, for which she would have charged, according to Informaliaa whopping 100.000 euros.

Surez’s response began to take shape after the messages she herself published on her social networks the day her ex-partner sat in the chair of the aforementioned Telecinco program. Today I found out that he had an open relationship. He knows perfectly well that that is a lie, what a shameful character.he said then, giving rise to one of the aspects of this soap opera that, no one denies, is positioned as the most media-driven of all.

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