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Large, sustainable, colourful: the Federal Horticultural Show should be a role model

Federal President Frank Walter Steinmeier opened the Federal Horticultural Show in Mannheim. The exhibition grounds should be about more than beautiful trees and colorful flowers.

1.3 million flower bulbs, 2023 trees of the future, an area the size of almost 150 soccer fields – and a warning appeal from the Federal President to start with: The Federal Garden Show (Buga) in Mannheim opened its doors on Friday in the best of weather. It is expected to attract more than two million visitors by October 8th. Under the motto “Best prospects”, the organizers not only put flowers and gardens in the foreground, but also the future topics of climate, energy, environment and food security.

As patron of the Buga, Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier called for the preservation and care of the environment at the opening ceremony. A garden show is by no means an incidental event for hobby gardeners and those seeking relaxation, he said. “A garden show is more of an encouragement and an obligation. Here we are literally reminded of the basic human task of preserving, caring for and carefully shaping our world.” Anyone who is responsible for a few square meters of garden can do something here.

A garden means variety, colourfulness, diversity, beauty through difference, said Steinmeier. He recalled the biblical story of creation: God put man in the Garden of Eden to work on and tend to it. “Man was therefore actually created as a gardener before all time began.”

“Federal Garden Show combines topics that move”

Steinmeier praised the role model character of the Buga in Mannheim: Here you can see how districts can get a noticeable improvement in quality of life through the clever creation of green spaces, how the city climate can be improved in the long term. In addition, it will be shown how new living space can be created and designed.

“This Federal Horticultural Show connects many important topics that not only move us as a city,” said Lord Mayor Peter Kurz (SPD). A fresh air corridor has been created on the former US Army site, a “green artery”. Mannheim also plays a pioneering role internationally. Kurz described the Buga as a flower show, place of learning, experimental field and summer festival all in one.

The people of Mannheim have made it their mission to become the most sustainable of all Bugas. The highlight is a cable car that runs on green electricity and can be reused in other places, connecting the former barracks area with the Luisenpark. Among other things, the award-winning camellia garden awaits guests there.

From food packaging to yoga mats

On the former military site, 19 flower hall shows take up various themes. The chemical company BASF from the neighboring city of Ludwigshafen provides information about food packaging, yoga mats and tiles made from recycled material. On an experimental field there are 2023 climate-resilient trees of the future, which will be distributed in the city after the Buga. 17 gardens deal with topics such as climate protection. The PeePower project researches electricity generation from urine.

The panoramic footbridge in Spinelli Park is considered an architectural highlight. From the 81 meter long and 12 meter high footbridge you can see over the city and the entire Buga area. More than 6,000 events are planned over almost 180 days, including concerts and a specially produced musical about the life of Mannheim soul singer Joy Fleming (1944 to 2017).

Mannheim is hosting the Buga for the second time after 1975. On the opening day, well over 7,000 visitors came in the first few hours. Over 58,000 season tickets have already been sold. The Buga itself cost around 60 million euros, which should be recouped through ticket sales, sponsorship and leasing. There are also 135 million euros for various urban development projects that were planned in connection with the mega event. (dpa)

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