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Laura Fa and her experience at a private party for Ronaldinho: One of the security men showed us a gun

Laura Fa and her experience at a private party for Ronaldinho: One of the security men showed us a gun

The private parties of footballers are characterized by the drastic security measures inside. From theft of mobile phones to avoid recordings to bribes with indecent amounts of money to buy their silence. Laura Fa has shared in Public Mirror What was the experience of a woman who infiltrated an event organized by an elite soccer player. When they win a trophy, they celebrate in clubs or reserve a room where only authorized personnel can enter. There is all the possible alcohol, drugs and many women…account.

The aforementioned journalist, always according to the testimony of the infiltrator, says that the footballers are in charge of choosing the image girls who gave glamor to this type of events, although they are not all prostitutes, as many believe. They were girls who wanted to have fun, but they also needed money. The guests, who arrived by coach, were required to hand over their cell phone before entering the home and are completely isolated to avoid leaks. There were hundreds of girls… All attractive, exuberant.

There are footballers who are married and have children

Some of them receive money in exchange for their silence and for sexual practices. We are talking about an amount starting at 500 euros and it can go up depending on the sexual practices that are carried out. You can reach 3,000 euros in one night. The insider also points out that the majority of footballers who attend these types of parties are engaged and have children.

There are well-known Spanish and international footballers who are married and have children. There are footballers that we could not imagine. Laura Fa has remembered the day she tried to sneak into a party organized by Ronaldinho. She and Lorena Vázquez went to the Brazilian star’s home to cover this private event that he organized when he was a member of Barcelona.

The journalists stood guard near their house to collect all kinds of images, until, suddenly, a security member pulled a gun on them to make them leave. We were standing guard, but a very polite security man approached, opened his jacket and showed us a gun and told us: You’re leaving. We took the car and left.

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