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Laurent Lafitte (Tapie) is unrecognizable in his debut in two cult sitcoms (PHOTOS)

Laurent Lafitte hit hard by lending his features to Bernard Tapie in the event series Tapie, available on Netflix since Wednesday September 13. But before playing the famous businessman, the actor made his debut on television, more precisely in two cult sitcoms from the 1990s in which you will have difficulty recognizing him.

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Among the five new features added on Netflix Wednesday September 13 included Tapie, one of the most controversial series of the year 2023. This biographical fiction, made up of seven episodes, traces the meteoric rise of Bernard Tapie, an ambitious man, who launched into the business world in the middle of 1960s. If the father had many successes in various fields, including sport, he also suffered serious failures. To play the famous businessman, who died in October 2021, the production relied on Laurent Lafitte, who made his debut in two cult sitcoms from the 1990s.

Laurent Lafitte: discover his beginnings in First Kisses And Model class

There is a beginning for everything. Before becoming one of the most popular comedians of his generation, Laurent Lafitte featured in an episode of First Kissesbefore joining the cast of Model class alongside Vanessa Demouy, Séverine Ferrer and Thomas Jouannet. If the sitcom, broadcast at the time on M6, had 120 episodes, the actor only played in around thirty of them before leaving fiction to devote himself to theater. “Model class was quite painful. At the time, there were almost no series in France, apart from lame stuff like Hélène and the boys. I took tests and was told: ‘You’ll see, it will be Friends French-style !’ Well, I quickly saw that no“, he remembered in the columns of Inrockuptibles. “I found myself faced with the result of this French-style Friends… But it’s very good in the end, since it gave me a kick in the ass. At that time, I decided to take the Conservatory exam and redirect my career.“.

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Laurent Lafitte, the star of French comedies

It was from the 2010s that Laurent Lafitte experienced success on the big screen. The actor first broke into the cinema by being part of the cast of Small handkerchiefs by Guillaume Canet, before assisting François-Xavier Demaison in the satirical comedy Me, Michel G., billionaire, master of the world. The resident of the Comédie-Française continued his momentum by appearing alongside Omar Sy in the comedy The other side of the ring-road’, which was entitled to a sequel on Netflix. Laurent Lafitte has become a figure in French comedy by making several feature films, including Dad or Mom with Marina Fois or 16 years old…or almost by Tristan Séguéla, who chose him to play Bernard Tapie on Netflix.

Article written in collaboration with 6Médias

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