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Le Flambeau: why doesn’t Orchidée appear in Le Flambeau?

His performance in The flame caught the eye of viewers. However, one of the actors of the parody of The Bachelor imagined by Jonathan Cohen was not selected to play in The torch. He gives his opinion.

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In 2021, Jonathan Cohen created a surprise with The flame, a grotesque parody of The Bachelor in which he was looking for the chosen one of his heart. After nine episodes, the attractive Marc finally found love with the sweet Orchid, a pretty, muscular suitor played by Youssef Hajdi. But against all odds and despite the actor’s enthusiasm, the beautiful plant is not selected to play in The torchFollowing The flamewhich this time parodied the show Koh Lanta. The actor noticed in The Extraordinary Adventures of Adele Blanc-Sec by Luc Besson explains this choice of production.

Orchid took up too much space“, jokes Youssef Hajdi

At the beginning of Flambeau: The Adventurers of Chupacabra, equally absurd and funny sequel to The flameJonathan Cohen – starring inAsterix and Obelix: The Middle Kingdom – announces to Jérôme Commandeur (the presenter) his breakup with Orchidée and hopes to turn the page by thinking of participating in a new dating show. “I loved Orchid and I would have loved to take on this character again”entrusted to TV 7 Days actor Youssef Hajdi during his visit to the 2023 Luchon TV Festival. And the actor to react to his eviction with humor: “Orchid took up too much space, it was too powerful. I had fan clubs. They said to themselves: ‘if we put it in Le Flambeau, it will take up too much space and cancel everyone’“.

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A decision of Jonathan Cohen and the authors

More seriously according to him, his character had undoubtedly reached the end of his story, or at least as the producers of the series wanted to tell it. “It’s a choice of Jonathan Cohen and the authors. Sometimes stories take another route. I was almost a somewhat central character in the first season. I was there at the beginning and I was getting married to him at the end. What he had to say with this character was perhaps enough for him“, he explained. But has Orchidée said its last word? Can the public hope to find it in a possible season 3? Nothing confirms it at the moment, but Youssef Hadji wants to be able to believe it.

Find the series The flame And The torch in full on MyCanal

Article written in collaboration with 6Médias

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