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Leonardo de Niro, Robert De Niro’s grandson, dies at 19

Leonardo de Niro, Robert De Niro's grandson, dies at 19

Leandro de Niro Rodríguez, one of Robert de Niro’s grandsons, has died at the age of 19 for reasons that have not been disclosed. She has been the daughter of the interpreter and mother of the deceased, Drena de Niro, who has communicated the sad news on her Instagram account. The victim, despite his youth, was also an actor and had appeared in films such as Cabaret o A star has been born.

“My beautiful, sweet angel. I have loved you beyond words or what I felt from the moment I had you in my womb. You have been my joy, my heart and everything that I have felt pure and real in my life. I wish you were here with me. I don’t know how I’m going to live without you, but I will try to move on and continue to spread the love and light that you gave me as your mother,” Drena wrote.

“You were so deeply loved and cherished and I wish that that love could have saved you. I’m so sorry, my little one. I’m so sorry, Carlos Mare. Rest in peace in eternal paradise, my child.”, The actress has settled, citing the artist Carlos Mare, the young man’s father. In fact, this one on her Instagram has published a black image without giving rise to more words.

Reactions to the news have not been long in coming. Although Robert hasn’t said anything publicly yet, other personalities from the world of cinema, painting and other arts have commented on the profiles of the parents to express their condolences after the tragic news. “Mand dear Drena. There are not enough words to celebrate the joy she gave us or the loss we now suffer with our family and friends. On this full moon her spirit illuminates what could not be seen in the dark. You can’t spell the word ‘love’ without Leo”, Mare responded to Drena on her Instagram.

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