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“Lessons in morals”: Dante, the son of Guillermina Valdés, spoke openly about his mother

Guillermina Valdes She is one of the most recognized models of the Argentine show business, although this year 2022 she captured the attention of the media for her surprise separation with Marcelo Tinelli.

This new stage has served the media to spread its wings and start new work projects. A clear example was when Guillermina Valdes He was part of the Telefe reality show, “Who is the Mask?”. In addition, she is in Mar del Plata preparing details for a new play with Facundo Arana.

Valdés usually records himself sharing with his older children, a product of his relationship with Sebastián Ortega.

However, these new steps of Guillermina Valdes It seems they come with a lot of advice, from her eldest son who tries to give her a very different vision than hers. This is even what the message that Dante gave him in the middle of a conversation that the model recorded is about.

“She all the time has to upload to Instagram the phrase that she wants to share with people and I tell her that she does not specify more work actions but that they are all moral, moral lessons. For example: ‘Life is one, today is the present'”Dante is heard saying with a phrase written by Valdés: “His gaze on me.”

Although your son’s advice seems to be very good, everything indicates that the exjuror of the “ShowMatch” He did not pay much attention, since after this speech he decided to publish a sentence that reads: “Tell me, what do you plan to do with your unique, wild and precious life?” Who knows and may the future of Valdés be to leave for personal growth in a few years, like Silvina Luna.

Valdes’ future

But the truth is that Marcelo Tinelli’s ex-partner will have to put motivational plans aside, if any, since for now he is focused on acting.

The model will be on stage with Facundo Arana.

Finally, and as reported by “LAM”, the media will be in Mar del Plata to share with Facundo Arana in the play “Los 39 Escalones”, which promises to be one of the highest grossing of the summer.

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