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Leticia Sabater’s staunch defense of Aitana after the controversy surrounding her concert

Aitana Ocaña has become the target of criticism in recent days for her performance at her last concert in Valencia. The former contestant of Triumph operationcompletely stripped of the shyness she displayed during her stay at the Academy directed by Noemí Galera, surprised everyone and everyone with a series of choreographies that have even been labeled “hypersexual.”

The debate has been established both in the main media and on social networks. And there, in the cradle of hatred, Aitana has found the cable of one of the most criticized artists of recent times: Leticia Sabater. The singer, a former presenter of children’s programs, has alluded to her evolution from being the “queen of children” to being the singer she is today.

All my support for Aitana. A very brave aunt who is receiving unfortunate criticism that she does not deserve. Pornography? We are crazy? Honey, I understand you so so well“, Sabater began in a Twitter message that already has around 90,000 views. “I myself have experienced the same thing as you when I went from being the queen of children to leaving everyone in shock with Mr Policeman“, has added.

The evolution of artists

In the opinion of the interpreter of 18 centimeters daddy, The Salchipapa o The Polvorrónthe abysmal change in the staging of Aitana is because all the artists evolve over the years and adapt their shows to what they themselves feel.. “An artist must know when to change and grow to be true to herself.”

“I did it, Britney, Miley have done it and now you, Aitana. Let us not forget, parents are responsible for what their children should see, not you. Some advice, I know a lot about this, let the haters sweat it. A kiss, you are the fucking mistress”, Leticia Sabater has settled in an opinion that, based on the responses she has received, has not completely convinced everyone.

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