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“Let’s go drinking”: Howard Carpendale rebukes hecklers when appearing on Mallorca

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From: Jonas Erbas


Interjections at concerts are not uncommon, but they are extremely annoying. At the “Schlagersterne” event in Mallorca, Howard Carpendale showed how to deal with such a situation with confidence.

Palma – For Howard Carpendale (77), the end of the first “Schlagersterne” evening was almost a home game – even though the German-South African hitmaker had never appeared publicly on Mallorca in his long career. The audience literally carried their “Howie” on their hands, cheered, danced, jumped and sang along. Even a few hecklers couldn’t spoil the good mood, which the singer of “Night when everything is sleeping” quickly and confidently put in their place IPPEN.MEDIA witnessed live on site.

Howard Carpendale inspires “Schlagersterne” audience – despite brazen hecklers

The decades of stage experience that Howard Carpendale can show could be felt right from the start (“Hello Again”) of his “Schlagersterne” debut, even in the back rows of the old bullring in Palma. Although hit stars like Ross Antony (48), voXXclub or Matthias Reim (65; together with his son Julian, 27) had already heated up the crowd, there was still enough strength left late in the evening to give “Howie” a worthy reception.

However, a small group of exuberantly celebrating visitors confused the location of the hit event moderated by Andrea Kiewel (57) with Ballermann, which was about eleven kilometers away – and interrupted Howard Carpendale with humorous party hit songs when he was just talking about the history of his mega hit ” Next door to Alice.”

Hecklers call for Ballermann music – Howard Carpendale advises them: “Go get drunk”

Half baffled, half outraged, Howard Carpendale asked the party-goers to be quiet with an energetic “Pssssst, wait!” You’re in the wrong place there,” he turned in the direction from which the yelling had come before. “Go get drunk in Arenal,” he advised the troublemaker before continuing his actual program.

heckler? No problem for a thoroughbred professional like Howard Carpendale! © Uwe Erensmann/Imago & Jonas Erbas/IPPEN.MEDIA

For his announcement, the 77-year-old received loud applause from the grandstands, after all, for the most part, people apparently came deliberately to the two-day “Schlagersterne” festival instead of devoting themselves to Mallorca’s notorious party mile. A detailed follow-up report on the top-class event as well as exciting insights and interviews from on site will be available soon IPPEN.MEDIA. The season of the big TV hit shows has finally started again: on the occasion of this Stefan Mross (47) recently revealed what happens backstage with “Always Sundays”.. A notice: IPPEN.MEDIA was allowed to take part in “Schlagersterne Mallorca” as part of a press cooperation and report from there

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