You are currently viewing Lilly + Boris Becker: They are officially divorced

Five years after their separation, Lilly and Boris Becker are now finally officially divorced.

Lilly, 47, and Boris Becker, 55, have been going their separate ways since 2018. Five years later, their divorce is now officially finalized. As “Bunte” claims to have learned from court circles, the former tennis professional and the mother of his son Amadeus, 13, are also divorced on paper.

Lilly and Boris Becker: divorce finalized

A hearing in the family court in London was originally scheduled for Monday, September 18, 2023, a court spokesman told the magazine. The appointment was canceled on Friday. However, the case is “closed and not postponed”, said Diana Leacock of the Central Family Court.

Boris Becker would not have been allowed to enter England for the appointment due to his deportation after his prison sentence. His ex-wife is said to have agreed to the divorce in writing, which meant that the consultation was no longer necessary, it is said. The ex-athlete had recently applied for the final dissolution of his marriage.

No agreement yet on maintenance payments

However, the former couple’s paths do not completely separate, because despite the amicable divorce, there is still a need to agree on the maintenance payments for Lilly and their son, which Boris is currently not supposed to meet. “The question of child support is not the subject of these proceedings,” his lawyer Christian-Oliver Moser had previously made clear.

“He doesn’t voluntarily pay a cent for his son anyway. It would be up to him to propose an arrangement for his maintenance. But despite repeated requests, nothing has come from him to date,” Lilly’s lawyer Patricia Cronemeyer replied to his announcement, ” of course, to “fully” fulfill his maintenance obligations. So, for better or worse, Boris and Lilly Becker will have to face each other again in the courtroom.

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Tarun Kumar

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