Limescale settles on the faucet, coffee machine and in pipes. What “hard water” is and what household appliances help.

In addition to the annoying house dust, it is one of the nastiest enemies when cleaning the house: Limescale. Wherever running water comes from pipes in your own apartment or house, the white deposits are not far away. But how arise lime deposits actually? What is so-called “hard and soft water” all about? What means can be used to effectively tackle stubborn limescale residues in the household? And can later limescale damage be prevented with water filters in the pipes? An overview.

Limescale in the household: How do white deposits form?

In the bathroom, lime prefers to make itself water tap or shower head wide. A white film tends to form around the sink in the kitchen. Limescale deposits can also clog devices such as the kettle or dishwasher over time. In your own home, undiscovered deposits in the water pipes can even eventually cause the pipe to burst and, in the worst case, cause flooding. But where does the lime come from?

In principle, limescale occurs wherever tap water evaporates. Depending on the region in Germany, tap water has a different geographical origin. The cool water can be more or less calcareous. Depending on this, tap water is also referred to as “hard”, “medium” or “soft”.

Hard tap water, with a higher proportion of lime and other minerals, does not usually bother the human body as drinking water, it can be used well. But on taps, fittings and household appliances the evaporated lime can leave ugly marks.

Determine degree of hardness: Do I have hard or soft tap water?

The degree of hardness in the case of tap water, it is determined using a scale. The unit of measurement is degrees of German hardness (°dh):

  • soft = 0 to 8.4°dh
  • medium = 8.4 to 14 °dh
  • hard = more than 14 °dh

Consumers who want their exact water hardness at home can find out the value from their water supplier or from the local waterworks. In some cases, the information can also be found on the water bill.

Regional differences become clear when you look at the “Hydrological Atlas of Germany”, an interactive one online map is offered by the Federal Institute for Hydrology (BfG). Soft tap water with rather low Lime content is therefore widespread in large parts of North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate. Hard water occurs increasingly in southern Germany from Baden-Württemberg to Bavaria. Berlin, Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, for example, are in the middle. However, the values ​​may vary depending on the location.

Solving limescale deposits: Which home remedies are best?

When fighting ugly limescale in the bathroom and kitchen, experts recommend two simple home remedies: vinegar and citric acid. Both are acids that can dissolve limescale residues. Then they can be wiped off more easily. However, both acids should not simply be used randomly to ensure effective cleaning. And both vinegar and citric acid have respectively Advantages and disadvantages.

Benefits of Acetic Acid: According to experts, simple, inexpensive household vinegar is sufficient to remove limescale. It usually contains five percent acetic acid. Household vinegar is available in supermarkets, discount stores or drugstores such as dm or Rossmann. vinegar essence commercial products, on the other hand, can contain up to 25 percent acetic acid and should be diluted accordingly.

The outlet of the faucet (aerators) and the shower head in the bathroom should regularly be placed in a cup of vinegar for a long period of time to loosen limescale deposits. To clean the faucet or sink, a kitchen towel soaked in vinegar is recommended. Another plus of vinegar: The agent can also be used in heating rods Kettle Descale: Mix the vinegar with a little water and bring to the boil. Rinse out after a short exposure time.

Disadvantages of acetic acid: Depending on the concentration, the acid in the vinegar can attack household items made of rubber or plastic. This includes seals that can become porous. Vinegar is not suitable for copper and aluminum. The high-quality fully automatic coffee machine should also not be treated with vinegar. Sensitive noses are also bothered by the pungent smell of the vinegar. At the Bring to a boil corrosive vapors can even be produced. In certain cases, citric acid is therefore the more effective alternative as a home remedy.

Benefits of Citric Acid: In addition to citrus fruits, citric acid is naturally contained in many other types of fruit. However, the juice from the lemon only contains around eight percent citric acid. Pure citric acid is better for cleaning. Commercially available in bottles or as a white powder. Dissolve the powder in water as indicated on the package to combat limescale residues and use the agent like vinegar when cleaning.

Unlike vinegar, citric acid does not smell unpleasant and does not attack plastics and rubber. The exposure time can be several hours. As with vinegar, thorough rinsing with water after descaling is important. For light lime stains, the juice from the squeezed lemon is sufficient.

Disadvantages of citric acid: It should not be heated. Otherwise, non-water-soluble calcium citrate forms, which can form deposits like lime in thin lines and pipes – for example in coffee machines.

Descale the coffee maker, dishwasher and washing machine

Manufacturers often offer special tools for modern coffee and espresso machines descaling programs at. Stiftung Warentest recommends using special salt for dishwashers. The built-in softening system thus prevents the heating rods from calcifying. It is important to set the correct water hardness. Multifunctional tabs with a salt function already fulfill the same function today.

For the washing machine According to the testers, such agents are superfluous because detergents already contain water softeners. The Initiative Hausgeräte+ advises that the dosage must be based on the hardness of the water and the degree of soiling of the laundry according to the information on the packaging.

Preventing limescale in pipes: Protection against pipe damage

Households in regions with a high degree of hardness in tap water can prevent and prevent at all strong calcareous water comes from the lines. This not only makes cleaning easier, but can also reduce the risk of later limescale damage in the pipes. Especially at high water temperatures above 60 degrees Celsius, limescale precipitates and can settle in water pipes and household appliances. Two common methods – especially for homeowners or new builders – are the installation of water softening systems or limescale protection systems. What’s behind it?

According to experts, one is more common water softening system. according to the ion exchange principle. During the softening process, the water flows through a synthetic resin enriched with sodium ions. The hardness-forming calcium and magnesium ions are exchanged for sodium ions. This should significantly reduce limescale deposits and protect pipes and household appliances. In addition, limescale stains in the household should visibly decrease and detergent consumption should drop. Disadvantages are therefore high operating costs and space requirements.

Less operating costs and space requirements cause a Limescale protection system. This is aimed at households who want to protect their pipes from new limescale deposits, but at the same time want to leave the hardness of their drinking water as it is from the supplier. However, this solution does not make household cleaning easier than solution one and cannot dissolve existing limescale deposits in pipes.

For both solutions, buyers first have to spend money – depending on the scope and provider, up to four-digit amounts. It is recommended to pay attention to the DVGW test certificate, a recognized standard in the industry.

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