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Lisbon celebrates ‘April in Flower’ with “songs of hope and resistance”

A they join the Cantadeiras and Cantadores do Redondo, as well as Aldina Duarte, Capicua, Carlão and Tim, who will say poems by Manuel Alegre, Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen, Jonas Negalha and Ruy Belo, projected on video around the stage of the Praça do Comércio, according to the program released by the Chamber of Lisbon.

During the show, which starts at 22:00, the comic book author, illustrator and set designer António Jorge Gonçalves will create, from photographs, a universe in live design to be projected on stage, which will have musical accompaniment by Sérgio Costa, Rui Alves, Carlos Salomé, Paulo Jorge and Guilherme Duque, under the direction of Tomás Pimentel.

Today and Tuesday, at the Marvila Library, Teatro do Vestido presents “Revolution Junkies — Foreigners in the Portuguese Revolution”, starting at 21:00, a creation, with direction and text by Joana Craveiro.

“Revolution Junkies” talks about the attraction that the April Revolution had on citizens of different countries, either because of their convictions or because of the unprecedented character that mobilized the international press: a character that, four decades later, in the 40 years of the 25th of April, led the NBC News report to talk about “the world’s coolest coup”.

The Aljube Museum’s doors are open on Tuesday, when 49 years pass after the fall of the dictatorship, and it is possible to visit temporary exhibitions, such as “The artist went out to the street”, with photographs by Ana Hatherly from the time, and “The people is on the street — Praças e Paços das Revoluções”, in the neighboring Teatro Romano de Lisboa.

“Signs of Freedom — Iconography of Democracy in the Ephemera Archive”, an exhibition that brings together images and objects produced after the 25th of April 1974, open until the 28th of May, is also open in the building of the Old Court of Boa Hora, with iconographic material selected from José Pacheco Pereira’s Ephemera Archive.

Altogether, the Festas de Abril em Lisboa, an initiative of the municipal company for the Management of Equipment and Cultural Animation (EGEAC), bring together about fifty activities, in the different municipal equipment, with passage also through the social networks of the chamber, between shows music, exhibitions, theater, cinema, conversations and readings, among other cultural proposals.

Within the scope of Festival 2504, running until Tuesday, in a co-production of the Commemorative Commission for the 50th anniversary of the 25th of April with the Parish Council of Benfica, the initiative “#NãoPodias” is running, which “calls on young people not to take freedom for granted, challenging them to choose one of several prohibitions imposed on the Portuguese during the dictatorship (1926-1974) and to share that information and their reflections on digital platforms”.

This action has its last conversation today, under the theme “#Couldn’t Be European”, moderated by journalist João Francisco Gomes, starting at 18:30, in a cycle of meetings in which the impossibility of voting was also discussed ( “#NãoPodias Votar”), nor speak freely (“#NãoPodias Expresse”).

The last conversation of this cycle takes place exactly 49 years after the last day of the dictatorship, on the eve of April 25, 1974, on the eve of that day when censorship ended, the political police met its end and the way was opened for everyone to be able to vote, express themselves, disagree, meet and travel freely, as shown on the initiative’s page, the way for everyone to have access to education, health and social security, so that everyone can choose their mayors and have access to water, electricity, sanitation, and so that Portugal could abandon the stigma of a “proudly alone” country, affirmed by the dictator Oliveira Salazar, to take its place in the community of democratic Europe, of the current European Union, after World War II World.

Participation in the “#Não Podes” initiative – or consulting what was prohibited – can be done from Freely. “50 years ago ‘#you couldn’t’ be reading this text”, reads the opening page. “It would have been censored.”

Also Read: Parliament marks 49 years of the Carnation Revolution after receiving Lula

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