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LIVE – Coronation of King Charles III, D-1: final preparations in London

“Mind the gap”: Charles and Camilla recorded a message for subway users

Users of the British underground will be surprised today and in the coming days to hear the voice of Charles III resound in the stations.

The King recorded with his wife Camilla a message wishing his subjects a happy coronation weekend. “Wherever you are traveling, we hope your journey will be peaceful and enjoyable,” the Queen says.

“And remember, please mind the gap,” Charles concludes.

“It is wonderful that Her Majesties have been able to include riders in this historic moment,” said Jacqueline Starr, chief executive of the Rail Delivery Group.

2,300 guests and a few absentees

Foreign leaders, crowned heads, elected officials, representatives of civil society… 2,300 handpicked guests will attend the coronation of King Charles III at Westminster Abbey, much less than the 8,000 people present at that of Queen Elizabeth II in 1953.

Prince Harry, who broke with the monarchy with a bang and left the UK in 2020 for California, confirmed his attendance after months of negotiations with Buckingham Palace. Meghan Markle will stay in California with their two children Lilibet and Archie, who will turn 4 on coronation day.

Joe Biden absent

Many foreign leaders, such as French President Emmanuel Macron, have also been invited. The presence of Chinese Vice-President Han Zheng, however, caused some turmoil.

US President Joe Biden will be represented by his wife Jill Biden. Never has an American president attended the coronation of a British monarch.

Crowned heads from around the world, including King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia of Spain, Prince Frederik and Princess Mary of Denmark, Prince Fuhimito and Princess Kiko of Japan, and Prince Albert II and Princess Charlene of Monaco are waiting.

Member of the Commonwealth, Jamaica wants to hold a referendum to become a republic in 2024

A few days from coronation of Charles III, Jamaica reaffirms its wish to become a republic. The Caribbean island, which declared independence from the United Kingdom in 1962, became a member of the Commonwealth the same year, recognizing the British monarch as its head of state.

The sovereign, however, has “no real authority in the conduct of the administration of the country” and “the real legislative and executive responsibilities rest with the elected representatives of the people”, specifies the Jamaican government. on his site.

Aborigines from 12 countries colonized by the UK demand an official apology from Charles III

Another challenge for the young king. Representatives and elected officials from twelve indigenous peoples colonized by the former British Empire ask Charles III to formally apologize this Saturday for the consequences of British colonization, namely the day of his coronationreports this Thursday The Guardian.

The signatories ask for a “formal apology” and demand that a “restorative justice process” be carried out.

For this, they particularly want the wealth of the British Empire to be redistributed, as compensation for colonization. They also want to recover the human remains and the various objects collected by the United Kingdom at the time of the British Empire.

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“We can’t wait”: Prince William confides in BFMTV before the coronation of Charles III

Asked by BFMTV about the organization of the coronation, which will be held this Saturday, May 6, Prince William said he was “really looking forward”. “I’m fine, very fine, fingers crossed that the weather stays as it is. We can’t wait,” he told our journalist, Laura Kalmus.

The Prince and Princess of Wales were in the Dog & Duck pub in Soho, London’s West End, on Thursday. On site, the princely couple exchanged with the many Britons present

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Hello everyone

And welcome to this direct dedicated to the follow-up of the news related to the coronation of Charles III which will take place this Saturday, May 6 in London.

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