Lolita Flores gives the latest update on the health status of Angel Llcer: Very scared

Angel Llcer has experienced one of the most difficult moments of his life after contracting the bacteria Shigella following a trip to Vietnam. For this reason, he was admitted to the ICU on two occasions, both in Madrid and Barcelona. A moment in his life that could be more of a nightmare and from which he now seems to be recovering little by little.

Her partner on the jury of the Antena 3 program Your face is familiar to me Lolita Flores has been in charge of giving the last hour About the television: That’s enough, it’s very good. I’m going to see it these days. We were very scared, but it’s great.the singer said during the presentation of her new play, Poncia.

And, in addition, he ventured to give a possible date for his return to television: The only thing I hope is that Let’s see if he can reappear on July 19thsaid the daughter of Lola Flores, who pointed to the day of the final of the program Your face is familiar to me like the one about his partner’s return.

What is shigellosis

Shigellosis is a highly contagious disease that is contracted through contact with the feces of an infected person or through the ingestion of contaminated food or detailed by the Mayo Clinic. In most cases, the bacteria disappears on its own, although in other, much more serious cases, specific treatment is needed, as well as hospitalization. This is what happened to Ángel Llcer, who was discharged a few weeks ago to continue his recovery from home.

I’ve been really screwed, s. Could I have died? Yes. All of Spain found out that I was dying. I’m doing great now, but I’ve had a really bad time, he explained in an interview on The Matt of Catalonia Rdio.

As to The most severe complications of shigellosis include dehydration, seizures, renal prolapse, reactive arthritis, septicemia (generalized infection), or hemolytic uremic syndrome.. Regarding the symptoms, a very wide range opens up: from diarrhea with blood or mucus to stomach cramps, including fever, nausea, vomiting and a lot of pain. The clinical picture of mild cases usually lasts between five and seven days, while in the most severe cases it lasts for weeks.

La shigelosis It is usually addressed with the typical treatments recommended for cases of diarrhea. (fluid replacement and rest). For more serious patients, the use of antibiotics is recommended. to avoid further complications and reduce the clinical picture as soon as possible.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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