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Lolita Flores, upset, clarifies her state of health: There is still Lolita for a while

Lolita Flores, upset, clarifies her state of health: There is still Lolita for a while

Lolita Flores has been forced to suspend its theater performance Poncia for health reasons. News that has surprised her fans, who have been concerned about the actress’s condition, that she has had to come forward after different media highlighted that she was in very poor health. They put something on me like I’m dying or there’s something wrong with me.he has begun explaining through his networks.

The singer and actress has not been able to go on stage for a acute tracheitis. Nothing more serious than that. She has had to report this herself, also urging that exaggerated information about her health be eliminated, and announcing that otherwise she would take legal action: Let them remove it immediately or face the consequences. Enough of telling lies.

Lolita wanted to clarify that she suffers from acute tracheitis, which is a temporary inflammation of the trachea and bronchi, which has caused aphonia. He feels strong in head and heart, and adds that I have nothing in my stomach. I’m not in any hospital, and that is why he charges against that information that points to his poor state of health, whom he denounces for insults and falsehood, and for attacking my image and my health. Ah I’ll leave it.

An announcement that concludes with a message of gratitude and affection towards his fans and friends: There’s still Lolita for a while.

And after that, he wanted to record his state of health through a post that he published on his Instagram profile, attaching an image of the medical report: I don’t have to put it, but here is my diagnosis. Furthermore, he has announced that he will return to the stage this Tuesday: By the way, on Tuesday I will return to the Teatro Espaol in Madrid with Poncia. A work that is based on Poncia, the character from The House of Bernarda Alba, by Federico García Lorca.

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