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“Long-term strategy”: Prince Harry accuses Camilla of wanting the crown

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From: Luke Einkammerer


Prince Harry’s autobiography “Spare” will be released on January 10th. In it, the Duke of Sussex fires at the British royal family. He also sharply criticizes Queen Consort Camilla – and raises serious allegations.

Montecito – After his explosive exit as a full-time royal in February 2021, it seems Prince Harry (38) on a mission to reveal his life in the British royal family down to the smallest, unsightly detail. At the side of his wife Meghan Markle (41), the Duke of Sussex is therefore working together with the streaming giant Netflix and the global publisher Random House. With revealing multimedia projects that have made the couple $100 million richer, the palace runaways open the door to the glittering world they intend to leave forever after relocating to the United States.

‘Considering if she would be mean to me’: Prince Harry fires Camilla in book ‘Spare’

A few weeks after the release of the Netflix documentary “Harry & Meghan”, Harry’s autobiography “Spare” is the Sussexes’ second major project in the starting blocks. In it, the prince looks back on his eventful life, remembers family conflicts and comments for the first time on the scandalous performances with which he once made the headlines of the British tabloids weekly. The subject of the controversial work is also his stepmother Camilla Parker Bowles (75), eight years after the death of Lady Di († 36) on April 5, 2005 with her childhood sweetheart King Charles III (74) made the covenant for eternity.

King Charles III and Queen Consort Camilla have been married since 2005. Prince Harry makes serious accusations against his stepmother in his autobiography “Spare” and accuses her of being after the crown. © IMAGO/Cover Images; IMAGO/ZUMA Wire (photomontage)

“Spare” seems a very critical image of Camilla Parker Bowles to paint, because according to the British magazine Daily Mail, the California native claims in the explosive work that he once begged his father Charles not to marry the former debutante. “I remember wondering if she would be mean to me. If she would be like all the bad stepmothers in the stories,” Harry looks back. Although he and his brother William (40) eventually accepted the new woman in their lives, meeting Camilla for the first time was like an “injection” for him.

Prince Harry’s memoir “Spare” controversial even before it went on sale

On January 10, 2023, Prince Harry’s memoirs “Spare” will be published by Random House – but these prove to be controversial even before publication. Although the work is described as an honest look back at Harry’s life and experiences, many royals pundits believe it could also be a harsh critique of British royalty. Following the death of Queen Elizabeth II on September 8th, 2022 and a resulting wave of public skepticism towards the British monarchy, this could have devastating consequences. “The British Royal Family (…) must earn and keep the respect of the public,” explains Royals author Valentine Low, “If this is ever damaged in any fundamental or permanent way, it could be very serious.”


‘Goal of Marriage’: Prince Harry claims Camilla has her heart set on the crown

It doesn’t stop with these critical lines about her relationship with King Charles III. and his children, because Prince Harry also raises serious allegations against Camilla in “Spare” and accuses her of having it in for the British crown. “Shortly after our private meetings with her, she began to develop her long-term strategy,” he fires at the titular queen, “a campaign aimed at marriage and, in time, the crown.” It is impossible to say how legitimate Harry’s claims are, but it seems likely that the words of his son King Charles III. are likely to hit hard in any case.

If the Netflix documentary “Harry & Meghan” was not nearly as explosive as Royals experts had feared in advance, it seems that Harry does not mince his words in “Spare”. He also settles accounts with his brother William in the scandalous book. Meanwhile, Thomas Markle, Meghan’s father, released secret text messages from his daughter. Sources used:,

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