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Los Chichos, on current music: There are some that look like a dog singing

Los Chichos, on current music: There are some that look like a dog singing

The most famous trident in music was the great protagonist of the last installment of The resistance. The ticks They sat on the program couch to share with David Broncano and all his audience some details of his farewell tour, We have come this farwhich will put an end to an unparalleled career that has lasted more than half a century.

Emily, Emily Jr. and July They flooded the stage of the Teatro Prncipe Gran Va with sincerity with their opinions and answers about any topic. From sex in the last month, money in the bank, or even what they think about current music. First of all, The musical trio remembered one of its members, Juan Antonio Jimnez Muoz El Jero, who died 30 years ago.. In his memory we will dedicate the program to him. He was one of the best composers in Spain, they remembered.

Regarding the first section, it seems that professional commitments deprive them of having optimal sexual activity. I less than youresponded one of them. Emilio assured that it is more solitary because it is less tiring. The presenter stated that masturbation also counted in the count. So 30 or 40reveal.

Now there are networks…

The group did not want to get involved in the topic of money, although they stated that they live well thanks to everything that music has given them.. The money we earned is not the same as what we earn today. Nowadays, you earn a lot of money for a concert, but before you didn’t earn that much. A statement that opened the melon of emerging urban artists and genres that have eclipsed the music industry.. The trio showed their discomfort for singers who gain fame thanks to social networks.

Now there are networks… We have traveled miles, many beautiful songs, but with networks. One who half sings… Boom! Up, big shot. I wish we had left at this time, Julio pointed out. Emilio Jr. was much more blunt with his opinion. Even without them singing, there are some that look like a dog singing. The latter also lamented the number of artists who sing well, but fall by the wayside.

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