There are several coincidences between Los Palmeras and Leonel Messi. On the one hand, both the musical group and the footballer are number 1 in their own. In addition, the band and the athlete share the same origin: Santa Fe.

As if this were not enough, there is a reciprocal love between the two. It is known that the soccer star is a great admirer of the palm treesas well as the love and affection that the members of the group have for Messi.

Sometimes, a way of expressing love, that feeling that cannot be explained through words and that goes beyond reason, becomes visible through legendary forms, such as tattoos. In fact, there are thousands and thousands of Santa Fe/Argentine/inhabitants of the worldwho chose to wear on their skin something related to the cumbia group or the best soccer player of all time.

Also read: Impressive: with “field songs”, Barcelona delirious to the rhythm of Los Palmeras

Darien GrenonMember of the palm treesdecided that the rubric of Messi be part of your body. “I had the idea of ​​tattooing myself, even when we found out that we were going to be at a 15th birthday with him (Messi). Now I have it immortalized on my arm“he said for CHAIN ​​OH!

On Tuesday, the palm trees were present at the birthday party of the niece of “Mess”. “We had the uncertainty of whether Leo was going to be able to be there or not. Having it in front of you makes words not come out and we only thank him for those who have not made them live,” he said.

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