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Love is in the meadow: Internet users make fun of Justine’s technique for making a cake

Love is in the meadow continues to be in full swing on M6. If some farmers are only speed dating, others have invited their suitors to the farm and the first rivalries have already emerged. At Patrice’s, war is almost declared between Justine and Véronique, his two guests. The first suffers from the authoritarian side of the second, whether behind the stove or during the races. The farmer seems to have a hard time deciding where his preference lies, even leaving the subject ambiguous. Olivier was a little disappointed when he learned that only one of his suitors would join him on the farm. “Restrained by family and professional obligations“, Laurine declined the invitation. Joris invited four young women to meet them in the Paris region. And the 34-year-old market gardener, arborist and cereal grower had a real crush on one of them, struggling to hide his immense emotion.

Justine beats yeast and flour and causes a kitchen disaster

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After enjoying a solid breakfast brought by Patrice, Justine and Véronique began to cook the meal for the farmer’s parents who were invited for lunch. And as always, it was the first to take the reins in the kitchen, not hesitating to invite her competitor to clean the utensils needed to prepare the meal. “Colonel Justine has returned to service”, laughed Karine Le Marchand, spicy, in voice-over. Unfortunately for her, despite her culinary knowledge, she intrigued Véronique by mixing the flour and yeast with an electric mixer, which caused a cloud of smoke throughout the kitchen. “Help the firefighters, there’s a fire”her rival hilariously pointed out. “Justine, she took an electric whisk to whisk the flour and the yeast. We don’t whisk the flour,” she then commented on camera, bursting out laughing. And finally, Véronique stopped playing the role of clerk to finally cook. She was able to cut the apples and potatoes and put the meat in the oven, without Justine finding fault!

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Internet users mock his improbable technique

This totally surreal culinary sequence greatly amused Internet users, who were very upset against Justine and her authoritarian tendencies. “Wait, she’s a great cook but she whisks flour and yeast? That’s a fallen colonel.”“I felt terrible at cooking. It’s better since I just saw Justine mix the flour with an electric whisk”, “The art of making flour turn into snow”, they commented hilariously. Some had fun imagining the reaction of the jurors of Top chef, Philippe Etchebest or Hélène Darroze, by discovering Justine’s original method for making a simple cake. One thing is certain, Justine should not participate in the Best pastry chef anytime soon !

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