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Love is in the meadow: invited to Patrice’s house, Charles gets closer to one of his suitors! (SPOILER)

Last August, M6 kicked off the 18th season of Love is in the meadow, a few months after the broadcast of the portraits of the 13 farmers in the casting. If Baptiste ultimately did not participate in the show, others embarked on this rural love quest, like Patrice. At 39 years old, this breeder and farmer in Normandy is looking for true love. During the filming of his portrait, he moved Karine Le Marchand who, at his request, did not hesitate to take him in her arms. He was also able to talk to him about his disability, hemiplegia. At the end of his speed-dating, he invited two suitors to his farm: Justine and Véronique. If the first immediately felt at ease at his side, the other was more restrained. “There is one who is more reserved, Véronique not to mention her and Justine, she rather seeks to lead, to impose herself“, analyzed Patrice’s father after enjoying a lunch in their company.

Love is in the meadow : Patrice receives a visit from Charles and reveals his choice to him

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This Monday, September 25, in the new episode of Love is in the meadow broadcast on M6 and already available on 6play Max, Patrice receives a visit from Charles who, despite his candidacy, has not received any letters. Since the start of the adventure, the two farmers have been very friends. It is therefore quite natural that Patrice confides in him. I have a slight preference for Justine, he blurted out. And to continue: “I have changed since Sunday, I am no longer the same man“. Happy for him, Charles takes him in his arms. But Patrice is not yet very calm. In fact, the 39-year-old breeder fears Véronique’s reaction when he announces his choice.

Charles (Love is in the meadow) soon in a relationship with one of Patrice’s suitors?

In the meantime, Patrice organizes a karaoke at his home that same evening. A party during which Charles makes Véronique laugh a lot. Besides, a rapprochement seems to be taking place between them! In front of the M6 ​​cameras, Patrice’s suitor shares her feelings about the single farmer. “He’s a funny guy. I find him very nice. He looks very funny too, I hope he will lighten the mood a little and we will have a very, very good evening“, she says. During the evening, she seems detached from Patrice who invites Justine to sing with him on the title We are going to love each other by Gilbert Montagné. The next day, Charles in turn confides in this meeting with Véronique. “The evening, I had a lot of fun, that’s for sure (…) I went there with a good heart. And with one of his two suitors, I clearly saw that there was perhaps already in the look (…) I don’t know, maybe he liked me a lot, but I arrived at Patrice’s house, it was to party, not to look at his suitors. It’s inconceivable to get closer with your suitorsthese are his suitors“, he said. To be continued…

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