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Luca Domingun, about her daughter Bimba Bos: She showed me love at the moment she left

Luca Domingun, about her daughter Bimba Bos: She showed me love at the moment she left

All losses are hard, none are naturalthat my mother has died, that I miss her a lot, my daughter, I miss her very much, nor my father. This year has been very hard for me. With these words, Luca Domingun recalled in the interview program on YouTube Not while Pinocchio one of the hardest moments in his 66 years of life, if not the hardest.

Miguel Bos’ sister lost her daughter Baby Bos in 2017, after fighting breast cancer for three years from which she was operated on, but which she could not survive despite her efforts and her vitality.

I thank my daughter for what she has taught me, the value she has given me and the demonstration of love she has given me at the time of leaving. It’s very strong, how you get up in the morning, thinking that one of your children is leaving, you die inside in every way. But you can’t, you have to move forward, I have other children, now I have a new grandson who is divine, I don’t want to miss him. You have to overcome that part because there are beings who love you and you have to fight for them. In Spain we don’t know how to live with death, he added.

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And she is proud of the life she has given to her family: My daughters say that they have been the happiest girls in their childhood.“They have never seen us fight and it’s true, we have never fought in front of them,” he added.

More losses

But that of the model and singer Bimba Bos was not the only loss for Luca Domingun, who also had to say goodbye to his parents.. My mother was a very generous woman, too generous, we all said it, even my children say it, she had holes in her hands, she gave you everything she could.he says about his mother, Luca Bos.

He also points out that she was always stricter than her father, the bullfighter Luis Miguel Domingun. She has been very hard as a mother, but that’s good, that’s just me. I lived in a very hard time, the post-war period and the Spanish post-war period..

And the businesswoman also says that she inherited her sense of humor from her father, and that The right-hander, along with his mother, formed a spectacular and curious couple. She died in 2020, while the right-hander died in 1996.

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