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Luis del Olmo, hospitalized after falling in the bathtub of his house

Luis del Olmo, hospitalized after falling in the bathtub of his house

Last Saturday the 2023 Antena de Oro Awards gala was held at the Gran Casino de Aranjuez. The legendary journalist Luis del Olmo was expected to be there., as he did less than a week ago on the occasion of the Ondas Awards in Barcelona. However, A domestic accident made his presence impossible, as reported by the presenter of the event, Juan Ignacio Ocaa.

Luis del Olmo, one of the greats of radio, is missing. This morning at 7:15 my phone rang and it was Merche, his wife. He told me that he had fallen in the bathtub and had broken his ankle or foot, I wasn’t very sure, and that he was running to the hospital.explained the communicator, excusing the journalist’s absence.

Despite the accident, some of those attending the Aranjuez event, such as his professional colleague Iaki Gabilondo, have confirmed that his health is good. He called us all thirty times this morning to tell us to say on his behalf that he is very grateful.explained one of his best friends in the profession.

Awarded for his career

The presence of Luis del Olmo was one of the highlights of the night, since the organization had awarded him the Antena de Oro award for his recognized career in the world of journalism. ANDThe Bercian communicator spent his long career mainly on the radio waves, where he led the most enduring entertainment format in the history of Spain: Protagonistas

That is the reason why Luis cannot accompany us today, but we have him in our hearts. Naturally, We will send you this square, this tribute that we want to pay to those who have made us fall in love with the radiozanj Ocaa in recognition of the work of the one who was the great absentee of the night.

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