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Luis Lorenzo: six years in prison requested for harassment of his aunt

Luis Lorenzo: six years in prison requested for harassment of his aunt

The Prosecutor’s Office is asking for six years in prison for the actor Luis Lorenzo and his wife, Arancha Surez Palomino, for keeping the aunt isolated of the second several months, subject it to a absolutely humiliating treatment and try to keep all your money, without considering the alleged crime of homicide for which the case was openedsince the reason for the old woman’s death has not been clarified.

This is what the prosecutor states in his indictment for the trial, the date of which has not yet been set, in which he accuses the couple of a crime against moral integrity and another continued crime of disloyal administration, The person hired to take care of her during the last months of her life has already been charged with a crime against moral integrity, for which she is asking for two and a half years in prison..

The Investigating Court number 9 of Arganda del Rey (Madrid) opened this case after the death of Arancha’s aunt, who was called Isabel Surez, was 85 years old and died on July 28, 2021 at the home of the actor and his partner. Some relatives of the deceased suspected that it could be an unnatural death and requested an autopsy. which determined that it was a homicidal death, due to cadmium and manganese poisoning. However, later forensic reports considered that there was no objective data to confirm this, and that this quantity of metals could have been due to a redistribution post mortem.

Controlling your assets

Last February, the judge He proposed to try both of them and a caregiver of the elderly woman for isolating and keeping the deceased incommunicado, with the aim of controlling her assets.without specifying the specific crime. Now the Prosecutor’s Office is asking for six years in prison for the couple for systematically keeping the woman isolated for several months, subjecting her to absolutely degrading treatment, since They deprived her of the most basic care and attention, such as hygiene, and also tried to get her money..

For the caregiver He is asking for two and a half years in prison, since he agreed to take care of her for a high salary. I received 6,300 euros in two months despite being fully aware of the deplorable state it was in, the lack of attention, care and hygiene.

The Prosecutor’s Office reports that on March 8, 2021, the couple went to the home of the woman’s aunt in Asturias and convinced her to accompany them to their residence in Rivas-Vaciamadrid (Madrid) to take care of their children for a few days. Once at their home They kept her away from her brothers and nephews and prevented her from speaking to them..

Luis Lorenzo and Arancha Surez Palomino took advantage of the fact that the old woman was outside her usual environment and suffered from cognitive impairmentwhose severity increased dramatically since her transfer to Madrid, and she was deprived of the most basic care and attention, forcing her to go to the bathrooms in the housing estate, not giving her the medication she needed, nor thickener for her foodThey did not provide her with a walker or a wheelchair, they argued with her, sometimes shouting, and on one occasion they left the old woman for nine hours in a restaurant in a shopping centre because they had gone with her son to a theme park.

The accused They were trying to control the money from the old lady’s checking account because They needed it to maintain their pace of life and bear significant monthly expenses without performing any work activity. any and have no source of income to support such expenses, this accusation adds.


As, on May 7, 2021, the woman was taken to a notary where They revoked their previous will and designated her as heir to all their assetswith the exception of two rustic farms, to Aranchaand three weeks later they returned to the notary so that the old woman could give her niece special power to dispose of her money.

When they realized this, it was insufficient to carry out all the procedures they wanted to do, They returned to the notary to extend said powerbut the notary refused when he saw that the woman lacked the capacity to do so, so they took her to another notary, who also refused.

Both accused They managed to access the woman’s current account with a balance of 60,884 euros and in which she received a pension of 950 euros. monthly, and they added money to their own assets until they had a total of 19,400 euros.

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