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Lula da Silva, critical of Alves’ freedom: Money does not buy dignity

Lula da Silva, critical of Alves' freedom: Money does not buy dignity

As soon as The delivery of the million euros of bail imposed on Dani Alves for his provisional release is accredited in Section 21 of the Barcelona Court. After being sentenced to four and a half years in prison for the rape of a young woman in the bathroom of the Sutton nightclub in Barcelona on the night of December 30, 2022, the paperwork that leave the player on the street, possibly as early as this morning, until the parties’ appeals are resolved and there is a final ruling..

A decision that has crossed the pond and that has especially bothered the president of Brazil, Luiz Incio Lula da Silva, who criticized this Wednesday that the footballer obtained conditional release with the payment of bail.

The money that Alves has, the money that someone can lend you, It cannot buy the offense that a man does to a woman by committing rape. When sex is something that is done between two, it has to be allowed and consented to by two. This, in fact, is a crime, he declared during the celebration of the 44th anniversary of the Workers’ Party.

An injustice

For the Brazilian president, who gave a speech remembering the pillars of the party, the last procedural decision on the player’s situation is one of the examples of injustices about which we cannot remain silent.

We are seeing now that Alves can be released if he pays. I learned in Pernambuco (Lula’s home state), When I was little, people said here in the Northeast, they don’t stop someone who has 20 contos de reis (an expression to indicate millions of reales, about three million euros). People see how that maxim continues, add this.

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