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Lupine season 3: does the black pearl really exist?

Since October 5, 2023, season 3 of Lupine is available on Netflix. The Arsène Lupine impersonator played by Omar Sy has a new heist in mind: the black pearl. But does this coveted object really exist?

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She’s finally here! On October 5, Netflix released season 3 of Lupine, to the delight of its subscribers. The opportunity to find the imitator of Arsène Lupin, a year after his disappearance. Claire and Raoul have difficulty coping with his absence, especially after being harassed on all sides by journalists and the police. But Assane Diop decides to get back to business, in this season which left us completely stunned! It targets an extremely rare object, kept in a jewelry store located on Place Vendôme in Paris. This black pearl that he covets so much, he had already had in his hands, before being arrested by the police. Assane Diop intends to rectify the situation and even warns the owner of the jewelry store of the date and time of the robbery. But does this black pearl really exist?

Lupine : the plot of season 3 is inspired by the short story by Maurice Leblanc Arsène Lupine, the black pearl

At the risk of disappointing some, no, the black pearl is not real! It only comes to life in Arsène Lupine, the black pearlthe short story written by Maurice Leblanc and from which this season 3 of Lupine. The first part ofArsène Lupin, gentleman burglar was born in 1907 and, from the first work, the adventures of this character have seduced readers and spectators around the world. Whether in a play, a cartoon, a cinema or even a manga, the life of Arsène Lupine has been adapted in various forms! Omar Sy, chosen to play the character in the Netflix series, is aware of how lucky he is to have landed this role.

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After Lupine, Omar Sy signed a big contract with Netflix

Near RTL in 2021, Omar Sy revealed why he immediately liked this project: “Why this series? Because Lupine is a character who makes you curious and who, I think, is the ideal character to evolve over a fairly long time (…) For an actor, the challenge is not to get tired of ‘a character and to keep the desire to defend him.’ And for the actor, this project opened the way to signing a great deal with Netflix: he concluded a multi-year contract with the platform which allows him to take on the role of actor and executive producer for all his future projects. This contract allows it to develop original films for the platform, such as Far from the ring road. In 2022, Omar Sy also signed a contract with HBO Max.

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias

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