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Luxury and comfort: the wonderful house of Gime Accardi and Nico Vázquez

moans accardi and Nico Vázquez are one of the most beloved couples in Argentine show business, since they have not only impressed for the years they have been together, but also for their camaraderie, since they are always supporting each other through thick and thin.

Without a doubt, the last quarter of 2022 and the beginning of this 2023 have been very busy both for moans accardi as for Nico Vazquez. The first reason is because they invited, match after match, the whole family and friends to celebrate each game of the Argentine National Team at home. This shows that without a doubt the actress and the producer are gentlemen at their best.

Like good gentlemen, Vázquez and Accardi welcomed the family to watch the National Team matches.

At the end of this sports competition in which Argentina became champion, Nico Vázquez and moans accardi They traveled to Rosario to celebrate with Lionel Messi, Antonela Roccuzzo, Ángel Di María and Jorgelina Cardoso the triumph of the National Team. It should be noted that the postcards that came from this event excited many fans.

In their kitchen, white predominates, although they added touches of color on the ceiling and countertop.

Nevertheless, This note will focus on all those photographs that circulated on social networks, showing the luxurious house of industrial origin in which the former friend of China Suárez and Vázquez live. To begin with, it should be noted that the actors risked straying from pastel colors and the color that most predominates on the walls is gray.

But this does not mean that the open space of the kitchen, living room and dining room is not loaded with details and light, since the pieces of color are in every decorative detail of the house. On the other hand, it should also be noted that for the furniture in the living room they chose a purple color, while the chairs outside are white and with a much more rustic touch.

His kitchen is full of color, elegance and nature.

The unexpected vacations of Accardi and Vázquez

To get out of the routine, the soap opera villain and her partner decided to take refuge in San Martín de los Andes, the detail was that they chose to leave aside the five-star hotels to camp in a wonderful place.

The media do not hesitate to photograph themselves in the comfort of their incredible home.

From the photos that reached the press through their social networks, it could be seen that the couple was surrounded by good friends, peace, lakes and nature: everything necessary to start this 2023 full of good vibes.

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