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Macarena Olona confirms her relationship with a “republican, feminist and anti-fascist” musician

Macarena Olona confirms her relationship with a "republican, feminist and anti-fascist" musician

Macarena Olona has confirmed in a brief interview in The voice of Galicia that She maintains a sentimental relationship with the musician David Romero. The story of the leader of Caminando Juntos and the artist is a cluster of coincidences and a representation of how new technologies have even affected the way of flirting.

It all started when Romero, who on his social networks declares himself a “republican, feminist and anti-fascist”, was the protagonist of a reportage in The voice of Galicia in which he lamented the rise in rental prices and told his case in particular. ANDThe Galician defended the right of tenants to have a life project and confessed that he had no intention of raising the amount for his family.

The story must have captivated Olona, ​​who did not hesitate to press the ‘Follow’ button on Twitter. So did David, despite the fact that his firm political convictions had nothing to do, in principle, with those of politics. “He had even insulted her,” he acknowledged. Since then, the two have exchanged harmless ‘I like you’ until a photograph of some meatballs triggered what they are experiencing today.

“I posted a picture of some meatballs I had just made. And she wrote to me: ‘The smell reaches me here.’ I replied: ‘They better know’. And from that moment they began to appear trolls calling me perroflauta and everything ”, Romero recalled. The situation must have been so uncomfortable that Olona wrote to him privately to apologize.

From apologies to love

That was the first direct contact between Olona and Romero, but it was not the only one. Days later, both coincided in Barcelona and, then, it was Macarena the one who took the first step. An invitation to dinner did the rest. “From the first moment we met, I realized that it was not what I thought. We talked a lot about politics and I saw that, although there are things in which we disagree, in terms of social issues we are not so different”, the musician reflected.

Although the distance makes it slightly more complex to lead a typical dating life, the couple sees each other as much as possible. It could be said that Allariz is its headquarters, since “it is halfway by AVE from Madrid and by car from Vigo”, emphasizes the politician, who confesses to also being in love with Galicia. “The best thing is the hospitality of the people, their kindness and affection. They enter without warning and when you want to realize it, you are lost”, has settled.

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