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Macau hosts 1st Chinese and Portuguese language forum in October

O The forum will bring together members of two academic library alliances, comprising universities from China and Portuguese-speaking countries (PLP), in a total of 40 institutions, and which were created on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the University of Macau, in 2021, to interlibrary loan and document transmission services.

“We have a portal here in our library, a digital platform, where these universities have placed material in Portuguese to learn Portuguese and Chinese universities have placed material in Chinese”, explained Rui Martins to Lusa.

“And that is important”, continued the person in charge, “because although there are many universities in China that are offering Portuguese, one of the big problems is the lack of teaching materials in sufficient numbers”.

In addition, “Portugal, Brazil, Mozambique and other countries” speaking Portuguese “may also have access to material in the Chinese language”.

The forum, which takes place between October 17 and 20, will be “the focal point of the interaction of Portuguese and Chinese languages ​​in the world”, considered the academic, noting that this is an organization of the Portuguese language department and the Confucius Institute, with the support of the library of the University of Macau.

Among the topics under discussion will be the teaching of Portuguese and Chinese as foreign languages ​​and studies in the areas of Linguistics, Literature, Culture and Translation.

In addition to the two library alliances, 19 universities from Macau, mainland China and the PLP also signed, in September last year, an alliance for the area of ​​ocean research.

The organisation’s plans include the creation of an ocean diversification laboratory soon “between the University of Macau, the University of Lisbon and an institute in Qingdao”, a city in eastern China, said Rui Martins.

Also Read: Passengers at Macau Airport almost triple in the first quarter

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