When tailor Andreas Feet (32) met Farmen celebrity current Ingrid Vik Lysne (31) during the NRK program “Symesterskapet” in 2020, little did they know that sweet music would arise between judge and contestant.

Over two years later, they are engaged, and are planning the wedding of the ages. and recycling wedding. But before that time, the lovebirds revealed how the sewing romance started. And how they were helped by one special pact.

Fire test

Just before the new year, the couple celebrated their first Christmas together, which Lysne describes as a bit of an ordeal:

– Now we have become a proper couple, because Andreas has celebrated Christmas for the first time with my family, she tells Good Morning Norway, before Feet chimes in:

– But it went very well. In any case, I enjoyed myself, and it was a bit nerve-wracking, as we were going to spend two and a half days together so close to each other. But I had a wonderful time.

Part of what brought them together was their passion for reuse and sewing. For Lysne, this arose from an early age:

ENGAGED: In the autumn, the couple will marry, in a wild sewing wedding. Photo: Good morning Norway

– I have always loved to make, and was a child who made my own games, crocheted, knitted and would make all kinds of things. I borrowed my grandmother’s sewing machine at the weekends, and sewed clothes for my dolls out of old duvet covers and curtains that were in the closet.

For the fiancé, on the other hand, it took a couple of years before the interest came.

– I became interested in sewing when I moved to Australia, when I was 20 years old. Then I started sewing, and studied fashion design for a year, before moving on to London, he says.

When they met during the competition program “The Sewing Championship”, there was one important person behind the relationship.

During the last season, Feet stayed in a hotel, and knew that Lysne was single. Maybe it was fate?

Maybe – if destiny’s name is Jenny Skavlan.

– There was a bit of a “running gag” in Fæbrik about me sleeping with Andreas. It was a small goal, so we fooled around and Jenny really pushed for this to happen. She managed to trick and mix, and suddenly she had set us up on a date.

Fæbrik is the sewing collective consisting of Lysne and Skavlan, together with Ingrid Bergtun (31) and Mari Nordén (33).

– Don’t stay in the right position

Then it was probably luck that Feet had the hotel room. Or?

– Not true, so there was zero stress. It must be said that the location did not turn out as we had thought, then.

Despite the fact that it didn’t happen on the first date, he still got down on one knee in September to propose. Feet describes that the moment happened in a wonderful back garden near where they lived, and that he got to take her out on a “random” walk.

And the ring he proposed with has a long history behind it.

GRANDMOTHER'S RING: Andreas Feet already knew at the age of 16 which ring he was going to propose with.  Photo: Private

GRANDMOTHER’S RING: Andreas Feet already knew at the age of 16 which ring he was going to propose with. Photo: Private

– It is a ring that my mother inherited from my grandmother, which my grandfather bought in the 60s and 70s. I had to ask my mother because I had been looking at this ring since I was 16, and thought that this was the ring I wanted to propose to someone with, explains the 32-year-old.

The wedding

The dream wedding takes place in October. They now reveal that they will be making their own outfits, in addition to making decorations. They also encourage their guests to do one special thing:

– I really want to get more reuse into it, so I’ve been collecting tablecloths for years, and reusable crockery. Guests are encouraged to rent or borrow clothes, or use something they already have.

It’s no secret that the wedding dress is one of the most important factors in a wedding, and Lysne naturally has a plan for that too:

BIG WEDDING PLANS: The whole wedding should be focused on reuse.  Photo: Private

BIG WEDDING PLANS: The whole wedding should be focused on reuse. Photo: Private

– I feel enormous performance anxiety now, because it is the big project of my life. So now I just have to make something I love and bring the followers along in the process, and it has to be reused, she says and explains further:

– I dream of getting a lot of old wedding dresses, and re-sewing them into a creation. I have also got hold of old napkin holders, with a lace border around them, which you can perhaps attach to the dress. It must be a party of a dress.

And next to the dress of life, one must also have the suit of life.

– I have to make the ultimate suit, which is a “three piece”. That is, vest, blazer and trousers. But I haven’t come any further, he says with a laugh.


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