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Madonna suffers accident during concert in Seattle

Madonna suffers an accident during a concert in Seattle

MIAMI.- Although the years pass, the objective of Madonna It is the same: to provide her followers with a type of show that has always characterized her. This is why during his tour Celebration, in which she celebrates her four decades of musical career, the Queen of Pop has been demanding of herself.

However, her desire to give her best has cost her dearly: in 2023, the artist suffered a bacterial infection that kept her in the Intensive Care Unit and forced her to reschedule the start of the tour.

Now, the diva has suffered a spectacular accident in Seattle, where the weekend had scheduled a concert.

The accident

Madonna interpreted her success Open Your Heart, and as is customary, each presentation is accompanied by an intrepid choreographic routine. The problem, this time, was that a mistake in the middle of her show caused her to end up collapsed on the floor.

The dance consisted of the artist sitting on a chair in the middle of the stage, and a dancer intercepting her from behind and pulling the chair back to run. But, a calculation error caused the man to tilt the object and drag it, losing control of it and both falling.

The moment was recorded and went viral on networks.


It is unknown what the problem was that caused the assembly to not go as it should; but in the released clip you can see when the dancer trips (you can’t see what) and loses his grip on the chair.

Quickly, he got up to remove the chair that had been left over the star, and Madonna stayed for a few seconds lying face down on the platform, singing and laughing for the moment. Then a man from the production team helped her up.

The artist, while the artist continued laughing.

Yield sign TMZin a previous show a similar routine went wrong, but on that occasion it was not Madonna who was sitting but Old Saint Nick.

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