Maduro incorporates Alex Saab into the dialogue table with the opposition

CARACAS.- One day after being released, Alex Saab was appointed by the ruler of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, as a “plenipotentiary member” of the table of dialogue with the Venezuelan opposition which takes place in Mexico, according to the coordinator of the official delegation, Jorge Rodríguez, who attacked the opposition again.

The decision also includes the ratification of Saab’s wife, Camilla Fabri, as a member in the negotiations with which the opposition seeks free and fair presidential elections in 2024, as well as the lifting of the illegal disqualification of opposition candidates for the presidency, among them that of the candidate María Corina Machado.

Alex Saab is appointed as a diplomat

Rodríguez’s announcement at a press conference, from the National Assembly that he presides, occurs after Maduro received Saab this Wednesday, December 20 at the Miraflores Palace, after being released by the United States in exchange for 10 Americans who remained detained in Venezuelan prisons, half of them as political prisoners.

Saab, considered Maduro’s front man, was accused by the US justice system of carrying out illicit business for the Venezuelan regime and participating in money laundering for a bribery scheme, for which he was investigated and detained in Cape Verde, Africa, from where He was extradited to the US 16 months later. The regime, in its defense, alleged that he was a Venezuelan “diplomat.”

This Thursday, after reproaching opponents for the “mistreatment” of Saab in the US, Rodríguez announced the appointment of Saab as a “diplomat”.

Threats again

The head of Maduro’s delegation once again threatened the opposition, one day after concluding the negotiation with the United States. He again attacked the opposition leaders Juan Guaidó and Julio Borges, and warned that he will present “evidence” of their alleged participation in the attempt to prevent ships with vaccines from reaching the country.

For his part, Saab described this Wednesday as a “historic moment” “in which Venezuela imposed dialogue again,” reported the official media.

Source: With information from VTV, AVN

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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