Maduro uses covert electoral propaganda to intimidate voters

CARACAS.- Without any calls for attention from the CNENicholas Maduro, who aspires to repeat in power, has intensified the dissemination of propaganda in recent weeks electoral “covert”, based on intimidation and fear, intended to impact broad popular sectors of the population of Venezuela, in view of the proximity of the elections on Sunday, July 28.

This, without taking into account other types of information framed in the opportunism with which they intend to negatively affect the image of the presidential candidate Edmundo González and also to intimidate voters and witnesses of the “comanditos”, activated by the opposition leader María Corina Machado, about the supposed vulnerability of her identity. All this has been denounced by lawyers of the Comando Venezuela.

On July 18, 10 days before the presidential elections, a video was published on social media in which Maduro said that if he loses the elections there will be “a civil war, an armed popular revolution of the people” in Venezuela, which is considered by experts as “covert propaganda” that seeks to force people to vote in favor of him through terror.

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Video to cause terror

The video, in which Maduro and his wife Cilia Flores appear in the living room of a humble home in the La Vega neighborhood, west of Caracas, was not a casual leak and was promoted in a coordinated manner, according to the Cazadores de Fake News account on social media.

In the video, Maduro says: “I haven’t said it, but the day we lost the elections in 2015, I prevented an armed revolution, because the people wanted to take to the streets. I prevented it and called for peace, then I tried to work and prevent a civil war here.”

And he launched the threat:“Because if we tell the people, the armed forces and the police forces to go out into the streets, then there will be a revolution, like in the 20th century, popular and armed. It will be another revolution. And it will be, it will be inevitable if the fascist right comes to power.”

According to the digital organization, Maduro has at least “12 fake newscasts on Instagram” that are responsible for spreading alleged information that is not true so that it can be replicated by conventional media and that are part of the “fabrication of disinformation” network, which has been used to spread “rumors.”

Source: With information from networks and El Carabobeño

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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