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Magaly after the viral video of Eva Ayllón and Natalia Málaga: “I am not worth any cheap gossip”

The video of the uncomfortable moment that Eva Ayllón spent in a presentation and in which Natalia Málaga had to intervene has generated many comments on social networks. In this regard, Magaly Medina responded to some of the questions that her followers asked her on social networks.

“Let it be said on social networks that there is something more than a friendship or a professional relationship between them, that is something that I cannot validate here. That is something that belongs to them and their intimate environment”manifested the journalist.

He added that as long as nothing comes out of their mouths. “I am not one to speculate or grab a cheap joke or validate it in front of the public. I know that you believe in my word, so I could not dare “added about these speculations that there are of Natalia Malaga and Eva Ayllón.

Magaly Medina took the opportunity to recognize the musical talent of Eva Ayllon. “When they mention her name to me she is a great singer, one of the best the country has, a great figure and I can’t tell you more than that”, manifested the ‘Magpie’.

TROME | Magaly Medina gives her opinion, after a viral video by Eva Ayllón and Natalia Málaga (Magaly TV)


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