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Magaly defends Brunella after Rosángela reminded Renzo Costa: “She is envious of him”

Magaly Medina pulled face for Brunella Horna after Rosangela Espinoza He reproached the host of ‘America Hoy’ that his previous trips abroad were “sponsored” by his ex-partner Renzo Costa.

“La Urraca” pointed out that there is nothing wrong with “The King of Leather” having paid for Brunella’s expensive trips because that situation occurred when they both had a loving relationship and even lived together.

“I don’t understand why he blames him for the fact that Renzo Costa paid for Brunella’s trips, if at that time they lived together and she was a stable couple. Brunella was the darling of the family and when they traveled, what’s wrong with him inviting her,” Medina said.

In addition, Magaly pointed out that Rosángela Espinoza cannot be compared to Brunella Horna because the television presenter has had stable relationships and their partners have had the possibility of paying for their “whims”. However, ‘The Selfie Girl’ does not have the same love situation. On the contrary, Rosángela revealed in live broadcasts that wealthy men have given her expensive gifts without even having a friendship.

“It’s different from Rosángela because she has made it very clear that they gave her tickets for the World Cup final… In Brunella’s case, she did not get money from a ‘sugar’ or a sponsor because he was her husband … Brunella works and has her shops, but what’s wrong with her husband wanting to pay for what she likes?sentenced Magaly.

“What’s the problem, Rosangela? There I smell a certain envy. Excuse me but you are not on the same level, but you said that a guy you met in Qatar paid you 12 thousand dollars for a ticket… What man does that just because of your pretty face?he concluded.

Magaly strikes down Jessica Newton for Luciana Fuster’s candidacy: “She likes that her contest has cameras.” Video: ATV

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