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Magaly laughs at Christian for “advising” “Chorri” Palacios after infidelity to his wife

The brief opinion you gave christian dominguez about the infidelity of Roberto ‘Chorri’ Palacios to his wife did not go unnoticed by Magaly Medinawho in his space mocked the singer for trying to be a “new ‘coach’ of national fidelity.

The host of “Magaly TV: La Firme” assured that the cumbia singer is not the best person to give loyalty advice, because throughout his life “he decided to be unfaithful.”

“The one who tries to be the new ‘coach’ of national fidelity. LOL. No, you are not here to give advice and you are not here to repeat like a parrot: “Fidelity is a matter of decision” because pointed out the figure of ATV.

At another time, “Urraca” assured that the fact that he had lasted three years with Pamela Franco does not guarantee that he will not be unfaithful again.

“Now that you have lasted three years with one, that is how long you usually last with your relationships. How much longer will she be faithful? Because I really think he doesn’t need much searching. His fidelity is quite fickle ”, narrowed.

Magaly warns Pamela after the singer downplayed Christian’s divorce

Magaly Medina commented on recent statements by Pamela Francowhere the cumbia singer pointed out that she was not worried about her partner’s divorce christian dominguez.

‘La Urraca’ took advantage of the cameras of his program to tell Franco that he should worry about his marriage to Christian Domínguez for the rights that would correspond to him as a wife.

“Pamela pretends that she doesn’t care when she should be the one who has promoted second by second that Christian Domínguez has a paper that says divorced, which none of his exes has achieved”Medina said.

“A piece of paper also symbolizes commitment, where a man and a woman know they want a future life. Marriage is a pact and a formality. Society has certain rules, some accept it and others don’t.he added.

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