Man throws his dog into the water and confronts neighbors who try to rescue him

A man threw his dog into the water in Miami Bay this Saturday, which generated some confrontations between the subject and neighbors who wanted to save the animal.

A video shared by the Instagram account Only in Dadeshows the confrontation occurred on Brickell Key between “concerned citizens and a man who allegedly pushed his dog into the bay and prevented others from rescuing the animal in trouble,” they said from the profile itself.

The man was aggressive to the point of pushing a woman and intimidating other citizens. Among them, a woman stood out who jumped into the water and was a victim of this man’s violent actions.

In the comments section, the police thanked the public for reporting this incident and added that “officers responded and are documenting the incident.”

They also noted that “the woman who heroically jumped into the water did not want to press charges.” However, these can be presented later.

They also reported that “the dog is safe and was not injured. “The investigation continues and charges may be forthcoming.”

Precisely, the woman who jumped to save the animal added that it “was sent home with the owner,” and that she filed a police report.

The television network NBC6 identified the woman who jumped into the water as Jadee Guidicewhich offered them some impressions about what happened.

“I was a lifeguard and a competitive swimmer and I jumped and tried to catch the dog, but as soon as I jumped, the man jumped after me,” Guidice told the television station.

The water, according to her, is not safe for people or pets,” due to “boat traffic. “We’ve seen sharks in the bay and crocodile warnings all over Brickell Key, so it didn’t make sense for this man to force the dog into the water,” she added.

“Some people should not have pets” or “I would gladly adopt that dog,” were several of the comments that were seen in the publication.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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