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Manon and Kevon (NOPLP) react to the elimination of Manon

This Thursday, January 26 saw the end of Manon’s exceptional career at Do not forget the lyrics after 48 wins and a prize pool of €392,000. The departure of the fourth best candidate for the France 2 game caused a lot of reaction, especially among the former Maestros of the show.

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She has had an exceptional journey. Manon, a young northerner who works in the field of fiber optics, arrived on the set of Do not forget the lyrics December 27, 2022. It is a month later, on January 26, that the Maestro will have been eliminated from Nagui’s game, after 48 victories and a prize pool of €392,000. The one whose “body told her she couldn’t go any further” finishes fourth best Maestro on the show after an emotional journey. If many Internet users reacted with sadness to this elimination, her fellow Maestros also congratulated the great champion.

Do not forget the lyrics: all the greatest Maestros congratulate Manon

Congratulations have indeed rocketed from all sides. It is Margaux, the record holder of Do not forget the lyricswho was one of the first to congratulate the one that was only three places away from her. It was on her Instagram that the champion sent a message. “And wow! What a journey Manon! A perfect mastery of stress and knowledge, especially during the same song with the record of bells, no chair. A lot of work ahead I imagine. It’s so deserved. Hats off to Tinkerbell and welcome to the family“, she wrote in Instagram stories.

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Kevin, currently number three in the game and former game record holder, posted a message of support for him on Twitter. “Congratulations to Manon for this magnificent course! Congratulations on this bell record! You too are joining the zero wheelchair team. Hurry to meet you! And congratulations to Myriam who did not let herself be dismantled“.

The elimination of Manon in Don’t forget the lyrics breaks a record on France 2

Almost all the Maestros obviously congratulated Manon and her incredible journey. Kristofer thus wrote “Can’t wait to meet you at the tournament. Congratulations on your tremendous journey” on Instagram. Natasha also congratulated the maestro “Congratulations Manon for this incredible journey. An impressive memory and undeniable personal qualities. Looking forward to meeting you at the tournaments!“. The elimination of Manon granted two records to France 2 yesterday with over 3.6 million viewers and over 20% audience share.

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