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Manuel Marlasca predicts the sentence that will fall on Daniel Sancho in Thailand

Manuel Marlasca predicts the sentence that will fall on Daniel Sancho in Thailand

Daniel Sancho went from being a completely anonymous person for the general public to becoming the focus of the news after it emerged last August that he had confessed to the murder and dismemberment in Thailand. by the Colombian plastic surgeon Edwin Arrieta. According to the son of actor Rodolfo Sancho, death would have come to the doctor accidentally after an argument over the chef’s refusal to have sexual relations with him.

However, The Thai Prosecutor’s Office points out that the young man premeditatedly murdered the doctor, which in the Asian country is punishable by the death penalty. Something that has been tried to be demonstrated during the trial of Daniel Sancho that took place a few weeks ago.

Manuel Marlascajournalist specialized in black chronicle, He has dared to predict the sentence that Sancho will receivewhose sentence is scheduled to be read on August 29. They will sentence him to 15 or 20 years in prison, but in six months no one will care or remember him.the communicator told the portal Informalia in an interview on the occasion of the publication of his book You dance and I shoot (Destiny).

Vocational journalist

Manu Marlasca’s vocation comes from his family, from his father and his grandfather, and today he is a reference within the specialty of events, although he has taken time to also make this foray into literature, which is why confesses to feeling a little imposter syndrome.

The chronicle of events is a material that talks about pain, prison, deaths and torn families. We talk to people at the worst moment of their lives, and that must be treated tactfully. We cannot re-victimize victims. And we journalists have that extra responsibility. Events are something that no one wants to do, but what everyone has an opinion on, he explains. The formula to avoid falling into it is to understand that we provide information and not entertainment.

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