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Mara Aguilar, from The Island of Temptations, confesses that she suffers from ophidiophobia

Mara Aguilar, from The Island of Temptations, confesses that she suffers from ophidiophobia

María Aguilar’s second participation in The Island of Temptations is helping the young woman to acquire much greater popularity on social networks. Recently, The television company celebrated in style for having surpassed 318,000 followers on Instagram, the platform where he maintains very close contact with all his followers. It is worth remembering that the participant rose to fame after her time in the sixth edition of the contest where she acted as a temptress and managed to conquer David Vaquero who at that time arrived in the Dominican Republic to test her relationship with Elena Adsuara. .

Tired of the criticism where she is accused of having broken up the romance between David and Elena, María Aguilar has returned this year to The Island of Temptations with her boyfriend not only to prove that her love is true but also to make herself known in another way. shape. The malaguea He is making his most vulnerable side known on television and also on social networks where he has published a video where he reveals the phobia he suffers from. and that it puts him through so many bad times.

20 things you don’t know about me, says the young woman before giving way to some images where uncovers some of the most unknown aspects of his life. From when he was a big fan of High School Musical until he studied four years of Law and left his degree to bet on television, passing through his favorite food dishes: his grandmother’s potato omelette and lentils.


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Ophidiophobia in your life

I have a phobia of snakes, reveals Mara Aguilar on TikTok. The influencer goes into detail stating that she cannot see this type of reptiles even in images, nor in drawings or toys. I have a brutal phobia of them. I just can’t…, she insists. As reported by Mediaset’s Outdoot portal, the causes of ophidiophobia are very diverse: They can range from past traumas to religious conceptions or negative cultures, and it can even be something irrational.

David Vaquero’s girlfriend He also says that he suffers from amaxophobia, the fear that many people feel about driving or getting into a vehicle. A relatively common problem in the population and suffered by many famous people in our country such as Isa Pantoja or Penelope Cruz herself.

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