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Mari Carmen, better known as ‘Mari Carmen and her dolls’, dies from a fall

María del Carmen Martínez-Villaseñor Barrasa, better known as ‘Mari Carmen and her dolls’, has died at the age of 80 of age due to a fall at his home in Tenerife. The ventriloquist, famous for giving life to characters such as Doña Rogelia, Daisy, Nícol and Rodolfo, went down in history thanks to her constant appearances on television.

His beginnings on the small screen were linked to one of his companions most important ventriloquists in the history of Spain: José Luis Moreno. She shared shows with him on many occasions and, in fact, shared with him the interpretation of the most famous character in her range: Doña Rogelia.

The first television intervention of the artist born in Cuenca was in Saturday nightin 1967. Later he also appeared on television in a film, The Graduatein which he shared the bill with actresses such as Lina Morgan and Florinda Chico.

Over the years, his presence on television It was increasing to the point of appearing in many entertainment programs on different television networks. Ladies and Gentlemen!, Applause, Saturday night, The train o five star humor were some of them. In 2012 it was decorated with the distinction of ‘Favorite daughter of Castilla – La Mancha’.

His last works

Relatively withdrawn from the small screen in recent years, Mari Carmen still had time to take part in a series and a saga of especially relevant films in the country’s recent history. Appeared in The one that is coming interpreting herself in a performance at the bar and, also, like many other Spanish celebrities, she appeared on Torrente 5 after telling Santiago Segura that his character “was disgusting.”

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