Opposition denounces disappearance of another leader of Machado's team

CARACAS.- The opposition leader Maria Corina Machado and the presidential candidate of the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutiaexpressed their solidarity with those affected by the heavy rains recorded in the state of Sucre, east of Venezuela.

“In prayer for all my people of Sucre and especially for the residents of Cumanacoa, Montes municipality. You are not alone, all my strength is with you,” Machado wrote on social network X.

Machado asked Venezuelans to be “solidary and generous” with the people of Sucre “in these difficult times.”

In this regard, he pointed out that the headquarters of the PUD Campaign Command in Sucre is receiving donations for those affected.

González Urrutia, meanwhile, also expressed in X his “solidarity with those affected by the heavy rains throughout the country in recent hours” and urged the relevant authorities to “act immediately and Venezuelans to collaborate with those affected.”

Three people died as a result of a river overflowing in eastern Venezuela following heavy rains in recent hours caused by Hurricane Beryl passing through the Caribbean, authorities in the South American country reported on Tuesday.

Interior Minister Remigio Ceballos reported the death of two people, while four are missing (two men and two women). According to the report, some 400 homes were completely destroyed by the rising waters of the Manzanares River in the eastern state of Sucre.

According to the official’s first assessment, one of the most affected areas is La Fragua, where a hamlet has completely disappeared.

The official added that some 25,000 people are affected by the emergency.

It has been reported that firefighters and police are currently carrying out rescue work and evacuating residents who are in areas that were submerged by the waters.



Source: With information from Monitoreamos.com / Efecto Cocuyo / La Patilla

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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