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CARACAS — The opposition leader Maria Corina Machado On Monday, he urged Venezuelans to go out and vote “as early as they can” and to take care of the voting centers throughout the electoral day in the presidential elections on July 28.

In her X account, Machado offered a series of recommendations to voters for election day.

“Wake up super early and go out to vote as early as you can,” Machado said in a video on the social network.

The opposition leader, who is touring Venezuela to campaign for the candidate of the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), Edmundo González Urrutiarecommended that voters prepare in advance for voting day, which he expects will be a long day.

She recommended having your ID (required to vote in Venezuela) on hand. Also, bring provisions such as water, coffee, food, an umbrella and something to sit on, such as a small stool. She also reminded people to bring charged cell phones or a charger. Machado also suggested getting enough rest the night before.

Taking care of the centers

The opposition leader asked Venezuelans to guard the voting centers throughout the day. “Take care of it as a family. Make an agreement with relatives, neighbors, friends, to take turns and ensure that the center is looked after all day long,” he said.

He also asked that photos and videos be taken with cell phones to record citizen participation in the elections.

At the end of the day, he urged voters to stay in their polling stations until the results were announced.

Machado reminded the electoral machinery that they have other tasks related to the logistics of food for the witnesses and the mobilization of neighbors to come and vote.

“July 28 will be a day of celebration, but a day of vigilance and hard work. It is up to you as a citizen, as a Venezuelan, to vote and make your vote count.”he said.

Venezuela will hold historic presidential elections on July 28, pitting González, 74, against Maduro, 61. Some 21 million Venezuelans are eligible to vote in an election that is attracting the attention of the international community, as everything points to the opposition having the capacity to remove Chavismo from power, which it took in 1998.

What the polls say

With less than 15 days to go until the elections, six major pollsters are predicting that González will win with more than 50% of the voting intention.

Pollsters with extensive experience in Venezuela such as Datanálisis, Datincorp, Delphos and Consultores 21, as well as Poder y Estrategia, declare the PUD candidate the winner.

Confidence in the system has been shaken by allegations of vote-rigging, leading many voters to assume that even if the majority of votes are cast against Maduro, there is no guarantee the government will accept, or even acknowledge, that result.

Source: With information from Monitoreamos / AP

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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