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María Teresa Campos Luque (Tetúan, Morocco, June 18, 1941- Madrid, September 5, 2023) has died at the age of 82 in Madrid as confirmed by his daughters, Carmen Borrego and Terelu Campos. The journalist was away from the spotlight due to her “significant cognitive deterioration”. On September 3, income emergency at the Fundación Jiménez Díaz with a picture of acute respiratory failure.

Málaga by adoption, the city to which his wealthy family moved shortly after his birth, He received a traditional Catholic education, although very soon he stood out for his vocation and made the leap into the world of work.

radio career

In Malaga itself, where her maternal grandfather was one of the most renowned merchants in the city and her father ran a pharmaceutical laboratory in which her mother, a housewife, helped, she took her first steps as a broadcaster. Specifically, in Radio Juventud, where he prepared commercials or voiced scriptswork that he combined with his career in Contemporary History.

His journalistic career was closely linked to radio at the beginning. In 1968 he joined Radio Popular Cope in Malaga, where he presented the musical program Popand until 1980 it also carried Women 72demonstrating his feminist and political involvement, which earned her threats from extremist groups.

Later, it became director of the Andalusian news programs of Radio Cadena Españolawork that earned her the first of her Ondas awards, and general director of RCE in 1981.

The jump to television

Before being ‘la Campos’, in 1986 she was ‘hermida girl’. And it is that at his side he became known on television, on TVEand four years later he occupied the position of Jesús Hermida himself, who passed to the news.

Under the titles of Esta es tu casa and Pasa la vida, it surpassed its predecessor in audiences, and, when in 1993 she switched to the morning slot, her success earned her the nickname ‘Queen of the mornings’.

The ‘Queen of the mornings’

María Teresa Campos was an opinion leader and unbeatable in these morning formats, so the main chains threw the rest to get their services. The first battle was won by Telecinco, where he moved in 1996 with a very high contract to present Day to dayy whose work brought him another Ondas in 2002.

Two years later he would succumb to the offer of Antena 3 to present Every day, competing for audiences with Ana Rosa Quintana, against whom she could not win. The chain gave him a new opportunity with What interestsbut it didn’t work and took a break.

Return to Telecinco

After a brief stint on the radio to replace Julia Otero on Punto Radio, returned to Telecinco to present on weekends What a happy time and also work once a week in Save me as audience advocate. At this stage, in 2013, the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences recognized her with the Iris award for a lifetime.

Already in 2016, he premiered on the same chain Las Campos, a reality show where He showed what his life was like with his daughters and that caused a sensation among the audience, by being able to know his most personal side. That same year Telecinco canceled What a happy time and shortly after he decided not to renew his contract, which led to his retirement from television.

personal side

On a personal level, María Teresa Campos she married José María Borrego Doblas in 1964, the fruit of whose union her two daughters were born: Teresa Lourdes (1965) and María del Carmen (1967), who followed in his footsteps in the labor field; the first was done as a presenter, and the second, behind the cameras.

She was with him until the early eighties, when she moved to Madrid for work and they separated. He stayed in Malaga with his daughters, who had the school there, until 1984 he took his own life in what was a hard blow for all three.

From 1987 to 2001 he shared his life with the Basque architect Félix Arechavaleta, and from 2005 to 2007 She had an affair with fellow journalist José María Hijarrubia. Although, perhaps, the most well-known and mediatic of her relationships was with the Chilean-born actor and comedian Edmundo Arrocet. After six years together, Mustache left the home they shared in 2020. “That Edmundo ends does not mean that the world ends,” she stated on the cover of Hola.

Health problems

Cancer hit the Campos clan very hard, a disease from which both she and her daughters were able to be cured, luckily her sister Araceli did not.. In 1998 the matriarch was detected with some nodules in her throat, which fortunately they caught in time. And later this disease also affected her daughters: Carmen suffered uterine cancer and Terelu, breast cancer. In 2017, María Teresa had another scare, this time in the form of a stroke, from which she recovered satisfactorily.

After selling his mansion in Las Rozas, María Teresa Campos lived in an apartment in Aravacaclose to her daughters, who wanted to have her close to give her the best care for her delicate state of health.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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