The world of marketing is constantly changing. Trends change rapidly and consumers expect ever more personalized experiences. Companies that manage to adapt quickly and effectively to these changes will make a difference against their competitors.

In this context, Salesforce, world leader in customer relationship management (CRM) solutions, conducted a survey of 6,000 marketers around the world. to understand the trends and challenges of marketing in 2023.

This survey highlights interesting results on the future customer relationship changes and the Technological innovations that will influence how we approach marketing in the years to come.

Learn more and download free the eighth edition of the Salesforce white paper “Focus on Marketing”, it is here:

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Focus on marketing challenges in 2023

In its study, Salesforce identifies key trends that are expected to shape marketing in the years to come.

The survey revealed that technology would play an important role in optimizing the customer relationship. Consumers expect brands to take a more personal approach. Therefore, theartificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly used in marketing strategies to improve the effectiveness and relevance of messages. Today, 64% of marketers use AI in their work.

Additionally, consumers are now ultra-connected, and businesses need to be able to communicate with them through a variety of digital channels. Online chat, video, live stream, phone, social media or in person, omnichannel marketing becomes essential.

Finally, consumers attach more and more importance to the protection of their personal data and their ethical values. Thus, companies must be transparent about how they collect and use this data, and show that they use responsible and sustainable marketing practices.

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Salesforce: a key partner to meet future marketing challenges

In the face of new consumer demands, companies face many challenges. To support you, Salesforce, the number 1 customer management platform, will be your best ally.

One of the main challenges: the disappearance of third-party cookies and a tightening of data collection rules. There is a need to maintain increased regulatory compliance in terms of Data protection. To do this, Salesforce offers advanced security and privacy features to help businesses comply with new data processing laws and regulations.

However, data collection is essential in order to successfully meet customer expectations. Salesforce has tools for marketing automation and of customer data management that allow companies to collect information on customer behaviors and of personalize interactions with them.

Moreover, carrying out creative and targeted marketing actions has a cost. The objective being the immediate profitabilityit is essential to measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns being carried out and to justify the allocated budgets. Salesforce offers reporting tools et data analysis that allow companies to measure the impact of their marketing campaigns and make informed decisions for the future.

Explore the Salesforce whitepaper

If you are a marketer or business owner, please download this Salesforce whitepaper which will be very useful to you. The insights presented in this guide can help you make the best strategic choices and to stay competitive in an ever-changing market.


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