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Marta Peate mourns the death of her mother’s husband: 17 years of my life at her side

Marta Peate mourns the death of her mother's husband: 17 years of my life at her side

Marta Peate suffered a very important family loss last weekend. The one who was a participant in formats such as Temptation Island or Survivors said on her Instagram account that she had received a Sad news that he barely delved into with his followers, even though he warned that it was the death of someone very close.

Just a few days later, in an extensive publication, the Tenerife woman confirmed that it was her mother’s husband, to whom she had been married for 17 years. On Saturday I disappeared to dedicate myself to her. They called me in the morning telling me that my mother’s husband had died suddenly. 17 years of my life next to her, but not only that anymore. It was the most That I loved that person and knowing that my mother was left without the company that she liked so much, I started writing.

Without going into assessing what the cause of death was, Peate has admitted that she envies the relationship they had and that the two were even a role model for her as a couple. They loved each other, they understood each other, they were best friends and life partners. I ran to Gran Canaria With a knot in his stomach and with terrible anxiety, he continued.

Complicated lack of staff

The death of her mother’s husband is one of several losses that Peate and, more specifically, her mother, have had to face in recent years. Before that, both of her grandparents died in a period of just four years. What life is like, said Peate, who has already returned to Madrid accompanied by her mother.

There is no consolation for her, but we, her daughters, will never leave her alone. We will always remember him, always be present because she was an exemplary man. But here we are, fighting to make her smile again. That’s how he would want it and that’s how we want itconcluded the journalist, who has received dozens of condolences on the publication’s comments wall.

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