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Mauro Icardi and Wanda Nara strengthen their relationship with a new wedding

Mauro Icardi and Wanda Nara strengthen their relationship with a new wedding

Mauro Icardi and Wanda Nara They said yes, I want on June 7, 2014 in a civil ceremony which took place in Argentina. A very special moment in which they were surrounded by a multitude of guests and cameras. The model wore a striking dress by designer Alexander McQueen that was topped off with Louis Vuitton shoes and nails with Swarovski stones. Almost a decade later, the Galatasaray footballer wants to renew his vows.

The couple, who in recent times have been involved in more than one controversy over the player’s infidelity with actress China Surez, seem more united than ever. Especially after Wanda Nara learned that she suffers from leukemia, a disease for which she is already being treated in a specialized center in her native country. A treatment that he combines with his participation in the competition Dancing with the stars of Italian television.

In her latest interview with Gente magazine, Wanda Nara confirms that Mauro Icardi has proposed to her to remarry on the occasion of their tenth anniversary, which will occur next year. He proposed to me after ten years together. We haven’t defined anything yet, but it was nice to receive his proposal, he begins by saying. I assume it to be in Argentina. The only thing defined at the moment is that we will spend Christmas in Europe. Something I learned in recent times is to enjoy the present a lot and project less, he adds regarding long-term plans.

Their illness has brought them together

It is true that you see how real the commitment you make when you get married to accompany each other in both health and illness is, Wanda Nara continues to express in Gente. According to her story, the leukemia she suffers from has allowed them put aside the problems that had been dragging on for the last two years to focus on each other.

The most beautiful thing I have seen from Mauro in these ten years together was when I was diagnosed with my illness. I remember that one night I was sleeping and I got up, around four in the morning, and I saw Mauro with the phone looking for a place to cure me all over the world“Where to help me,” she says, visibly shocked by the footballer’s gesture.

I have seen it really bad. When you get married, it is said in good, in bad and in health. One says it because one takes it for granted, but it is not so taken for granted. Life takes you to situations where you see true love in those complicated situations.concludes about the important support she is receiving from her husband and five children.

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