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Maxi Iglesias’ relationship with Cabano, his character in ‘Physics or Chemistry’


Maxi Iglesias rose to fame as Cabanothe student of the Zurbarn Institute of Physics or Chemistry who was dating Ruth (rsula corber). The character continues to accompany him 15 years later and it is strange that in interviews he is not asked about the series. This is the relationship he maintains with the handsome teenager.

Maxi Iglesias’ girlfriends: the actor’s known partners

Maxi Iglesias had already come out in Loving in troubled times, Tell me how it happened and Central Hospital when his first big opportunity arose. In 2008 he was called to join the cast of Physics or Chemistrythe new series of prime time from Antena 3 to which he said yes without thinking about it.

“I didn’t know what was coming upon me, nor did I imagine the magnitude that all that would take,” he recalled in 2022 in Men’s Health about the series that made him famous and about which 15 years later he is still asked in interviews. “If I went back to that moment, I might think better of it… and continue saying yes! (laughs)”.

Maxi Iglesias filmed five seasons of the series from 2008 to 2011 and left it in tears to sign for The Protected. At that time, the series was at a critical point and came to feel overwhelmed by excessive media attentionabout which he says it would have been even with the current platforms.

“I think that if at the time of Physics or Chemistry we would have had the impact that you can have now with social networks… I could have gone crazy. There was a moment when I thought I was going out of my mind and I went to Australia, as far away from Spain as possible. It was between one season and another, that things were already getting very heavy,” he continued. Watch TV.

Maxi Iglesias’ relationship with Cabano

Maxi Iglesias owes his fame to Cabano, which made him the subject of numerous magazines. It was not his desire but he knew that it was the price he had to pay at that moment to fulfill his dream of being an actor.

“I felt a little bad for my colleagues. I saw that some measured their success on covers and I got more than them. I would have been happy to give them to them, I didn’t want them, but I wanted to be an actor and I knew that at that moment appearing on the covers could help me in my career, I explained in ICON.

He is grateful for what he achieved with this role, but he has no intention of returning to it. The reunion in 2021 was enough for him. “At that time I was very honest with the production company and the network and I told them: ‘This is it.’. I will never deny FoQbecause it has given me many good things, but there comes a time when it is time to move forward with other projects to continue growing,” he said. Men’s Health.

“In any case, with or without reunion, what I wish for my companions and for me in ten years is that Let’s continue meeting and sharing the same things we share now: desire for our work, passion, dedication and, above all, the joy of continuing to be together,” he added about his colleagues with whom he continues to meet in informal gatherings.

The problem that he still carries from his time as Cabano

Although Maxi Iglesias is very grateful to Cabano, he is aware that this character also marked him in a negative sense. People who don’t know him think he’s just as cool as he is a Zurbarn student.

“It’s classic that at the end of filming parties, several members of the crew come up to me and tell me how much I’ve surprised them and that they expected something else from me. I don’t care. I like that they’re surprised,” he said. ICON.

The actor recognizes that he does not look like the character nor the actor who played him 15 years ago: “I am not the person, nor the same actor, nor am I going through the same life process, that It’s not that he didn’t know what the profession was about, it’s that he didn’t know what life was about. He interpreted things that he had not been able to experience or observe from other people.

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