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Maxime Switek looks back on this election night where he flipped out live (VIDEO)

On the set of C to you this Friday, January 6, Maxime Switek returned to the election night of the second round of the presidential election where he literally cracked up live.

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It’s not always easy to keep your cool on the air when you’re a TV presenter. And it is not Maxime Switek who will say the opposite! guest of C to you this Friday, January 6, the BFMTV journalist returned to this election evening during the second round of the presidential election which he co-presented with Apolline de Malherbe, also present on the set of C to you with his colleague Bruce Toussaint and the general manager of BFMTV, Marc-Olivier Fogiel. As Maxime Switek and his colleague were about to announce the name of the president, in this case Emmanuel Macron, a crowd of guests passed in front of the camera. This aroused the annoyance of Maxime Switek who literally cracked live.

“I am insulting the whole earth”

Amused by these images, the 42-year-old journalist reacted to Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine, whom he knows well for having been a columnist in C to you. “Will he have a director in 2027 to handle this?”she launched after the extracts. “What’s funny is that we rehearse that with Apolline. There are rehearsals so that we don’t screw up. What you don’t see is that I have a little talk button at the control. And I can’t tell you what I’m saying but there are a lot of insults. I’m insulting the whole earth“, admits Maxime Switek.

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More than a million French people followed the second round of the presidential election on BFMTV

Despite this quack, Maxime Switek and his live partner Apolline de Malherbe can be delighted with the audience figures for the second round of the presidential election. Indeed, according to Médiamétrie, the election night brought together 1.7 million viewers. BFMTV found itself ahead of France 3 (1.3 million), CNews (861,000 viewers), LCI (574,000 viewers) and France Info (234,000 viewers). TF1 took the lead with 10.4 million viewers against 8.5 million for France 2.

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