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Mayte Zaldvar, on the arm of Julin Muoz: He will be there until the last day of his life

Mayte Zaldvar, on the arm of Julin Muoz: He will be there until the last day of his life

Just a few days after making public that the illness he suffers from and for which he has been hospitalized for eighteen days is a rampant cancerJulin Muoz has gone out for a walk again. However, this time he has done it with the help of a person who has drawn special attention to the collaborators of the television program Fiesta: his ex-wife, Mayte Zaldvar.

Mayte, who has become more or less the spokesperson for the family during the illness of the former mayor of Marbella, is constantly at the side of her ex-husband and father of her daughters. Both grateful for the support they are receiving since Julin Muoz requested voluntary discharge, both have refused to make any further statements.

The collaborator Mnika Vergara called Zaldvar by phone without being aware of the scene that was going to be broadcast live minutes later. He says that Julin is as we are seeing him. Obviously, she is going to be with Julin until the last day of her life.he expressed paraphrasing Mayte’s words.

In addition, she added that Zaldvar takes care of everything regarding her ex-husband’s life. She does this for her daughters, because she cares a lot that her daughters are well. Besides, she thinks that she has been a good father., he emphasizes. They are shocking images because of how we see Julin Muoz and everything that has happened between them. It gives me tenderness. Everything that has happened and has gotten mixed up and, in the end, life has made them be togethercommented the presenter, Emma Garca.

This was Julin Muoz’s first public appearance

The television program Fiesta also broadcast the first images of Isabel Pantoja’s ex-partner. A sequence that TardeAR expanded in detail on the afternoon of that Monday. The exedil was with her granddaughter and the young woman’s boyfriend and he dedicated a I’m very happy to see you one of the friends you are with.

You leave me? Please, will you let me? Thank you very much, very kind, he snapped somewhat angrily at a journalist who asked him about his state of health. Visibly deteriorating and having difficulty walking and getting into the car, he was recorded the next day on his way to a pharmacy. In fact, yesA great physical support for being able to walk was his granddaughter’s boyfriend, who held his arm.

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